Face to face with -P-

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Next morning, I was in Hell, literally. School was its name.

We went (Pauline and I) all over the building searching for Mike, our best friend. We've known each other since Primary and we got on really well.

The building was huge and had lots of students walking around like zombies all over the place.

Joking around, Pauline found Mike and we both ran towards the red-haired guy.

-Mikey! Waittttt. Why are you avoiding us? Is something wrong? -I asked, doubtful-.

Mike looked at us and faked a smile. He had a bruise all over his left eye and he was clenching his jaw as well as muttering a curse word.

-Who did this to you?! -I shouted, inquisitive, while touching his face-.

Frowning, Mike replied that Tommy had hit him the night before without an apparent reason and he was a little bit shocked. He also explained that he wasn't ignoring us and that he just wanted to clear his head from everything and everyone.

"Poor Mikey."

Taking both his arms, Pauline and I headed to our Chemistry class drawing our friend inside. He didn't resist it nor said a word and we just took our sits in our respective places.

Suddenly, my phone began to vibrate inside the pocket of my bag and I gave it a quick look to the message that appeared all over the screen.

Looking cute, babe. Mind telling me who that guy is? I'm getting a little jealous.

I ignored it and continued paying attention to the boring class. Someone please help me!

I was about to get a nap when my phone vibrated and I tried to ignore it, but it continued vibrating, so I took it while hiding it under the desk and glared at the bright screen.

Don't fall asleep, already! Chemistry is not that bad...

The teacher is looking at you. Improvise something or else you will get yourself into trouble ;).

I pretended I was sniffing and looked around the class, watching Mrs Hamilton, who was getting near to my place, turning around and walking away.

Told you.

"Do not freak down, Arya." I told myself, breathing heavily. "Take a deep breath in... And out. Who the hell is this weirdo?!?!"

I then glared at the big window and saw a guy, almost the same age as me, with dark hair smiling. I couldn't see his eyes, but he was taller than me as well as more fit.

The guy, who was also staring at me, waved his hand and bolted, heading down the street and away from the building.

Nice to meet you in person, A. We'll see each other later. Promise ;).

I couldn't hold my terror, so I shouted, getting everyone's attention.

This was getting out of control.


I was speechless and hyperventilating. The hell was going on? That guy starts messaging weird stuff about a game and then he appears from nowhere and into my school, near my class?

Pauline hurried into my side and started asking questions, while the other students were looking at me as if I were some rat or a bug.

I closed my eyes and started thinking hard "I'm not going to have a panic attack. I'm not going to have a panic attack. I'm not having a f*cking panic attack!"

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