Chapter 28: Return of the saviors [+18]

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Vegas POV

This morning I woke up in a great mood. It's Saturday and that means only one thing: the return of my saviors Porsche and Pete near me. I've been scared of dad all week especially because of what happened last week between him and Porsche.

I hope he didn't get too severe a punishment. I put on comfortable clothes to leave my room. This week has been full of emotion. The Arm, Pol and Big trio worked as well as the Porsche, Pete and Big trio. If all goes well this week, we will be able to launch the first purge session which will allow us to sweep away the competition encountered by Uncle Korn's friend, Mr. Taglar (note from the author: this name does not exist. Simply used for fanfiction.)

I only met him mid-week and he was very satisfied with my work. I smile just thinking about it. I have the impression that more and more people approve of what I do. Will I finally start to get the recognition I deserve?

I walk the corridors of the house to cross Macau at the intersection of one of them. I didn't tell you either...Macau is healthy again and can roam again.

- Macau!

My little brother smiles at me:

- Oh, Vegas! You get up early...

I shrug my shoulders.

- Like every day... today I have some business to settle at Athena's Bar! Arm, pol and Bog will accompany me.

- I can come?

- You have to ask dad...

Macao frowns.

- I don't talk to Dad unless it's necessary.

- Well... I'll ask for you then...

We head to the dining room where dad is already installed. He's in a foul mood, someone on the phone with him.

- I don't care... It's not my problem! Find who is responsible for this!

Dad hangs up abruptly. He raises his head towards me and Macau. We all jump when he leaps up from his chair and slaps the moles with his hands on the table. Macao bows his head. I try to calm things down, even if I don't know the context of his nervous breakdown.

- Dad... what is it...?

Dad glares at me.

- It happens, my dear son, that someone set fire to one of our second homes. It caused an explosion. I'm going to go and settle this case. Macau...You're gonna stay with Vegas today. Hope you did all your homework!

- Yes, dad...I...I did everything...

- Good. So you'll follow your brother... There's no way you're staying here alone.

Macao and I do not protest, reassured to spend the day away from dad. We will spend good hours of productions.

- I'll take Pol, Arm and Big with me too.

Dad shrugs:

- I do not care. Take them with you if you want. Too bad we don't keep them. I don't want to see Porsche back home.

I sigh as I hear Dad start to look grumpy again.

- Why? He said truths that do not suit you?

My reply throws a chill in the room. Dad shoots me a warning look.

- Take care! You want me to whip you?!

Dad comes dangerously close to me. Macau backs off, not ready to get hit again. I said hastily:

- N...No...sorry dad...I'm sorry...

I lower my head to calm him down. It works...maybe because Dad knows he won't have time to hit me since Arm, Pol, and Big have just walked through the dining room doors.

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