Chapter 2 - Fight to the Death

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Author's Note: Yes, Obi-Wan is having a hard time. So is Anakin. Get used to it. ^-^

WARNING: Family members hurting each other, if that needs a warning. :)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin knows something is wrong. It... he doesn't understand. If they want him to destroy the Sith, how is he supposed to do that if he's being kept out of the fight? And that's all they've ever wanted him for.

He doesn't understand, and a dark part of his mind wonders if Palpatine was right that the Jedi are planning something. Planning treason. He can't imagine what would make them do that though.

But if they are, Palpatine might die. Maybe. Anakin can't let that happen. He – he's the only one who might be able to save Padme. He already said as much, and Anakin can't let her die. He can't let her and their child die. They're his future. They are the future.

And he won't stand by and do nothing as another one of his family members dies. He failed his mother, and he promised her he would never do that again. He won't. Desperation claws at him, leaving him hopelessly torn. He has no idea what to do. He's supposed to wait here, but anything could be happening at the Senate right now.

Obi-Wan is there, fighting off the Sith Lord behind everything with only Windu and Kolar for backup. Something could just as easily happen to him. Obi-Wan lost to Dooku, and this is Dooku's master – presumably – and... A chilling fear claws at Anakin. He can't let Obi-Wan get hurt, either.

It's enough that Padme and his child's lives are in danger right now. He can't handle that for every single one of the people he cares for, except Ahsoka.

He should be there helping. (He needs to make sure they aren't planning to kill Palpatine.) The sun is slowly setting, the room starting to darken, and something about it feels like it's... setting on something else too.

Everything is supposed to be over but the feeling of dread consuming him is only getting worse.

But if he leaves, he'll be disobeying Master Windu and Obi-Wan, and what if he does need to be here for an important reason?

"You know, don't you," Palpatine's voice says, through his bond – the bond he can only now feel. The Chancellor is no longer shielding himself, and his presence is so, so dark. Anakin can feel the strength it holds, and if he's being honest, it frightens him. It also angers him to know that this was his friend, and he betrayed him. "If the Jedi destroy me, any chance of saving her will be lost."

No, he can't let that happen. But that's – that's what the Jedi went to do, isn't it? Palpatine is a Sith, and he needs to be stopped. But killing him is treason, and – Anakin needs him alive, too.

He can't just keep sitting here. Either way, someone in his family will die, and he can't let that happen.

It's a choice, one final time. Either he can let the Jedi commit treason and be complicit in it – because he has a very, very strong feel that's exactly what's happening; it's been too long otherwise – or he can go there and stop them and ensure Padme (and Obi-Wan) have a chance at survival. She can't die, not now. The war is so close to ending, and that's what she wanted to see. She may yet have the chance to see the Republic changing and... becoming what she wanted. And their child... she – or is it he? – can still be born and live.

He can't lose them, any of them.

The fear finally throws Anakin into motion, and he runs from the Council chambers, right into two Temple guards.

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