Chapter 3 - Escape

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WARNING: Emotionally abusive relationships (technically physically almost is true too but not quite)

~ Tirana Sorki

The wound really isn't that bad or that deep, but it burns and it's throbbing constantly, and Anakin wishes he'd been able to get up and keep moving. Or Vader. Maybe he is Vader right now. He's supposed to be, but he doesn't feel like it. He feels like he did as a padawan when he badly messed up something – it could have been anything, with how picky Obi-Wan was, and now he's waiting to see whatever his master will do. Except he's on a mission, and he was supposed to bring peace and he failed.

He was supposed to save Padme, to grow stronger in the Dark Side, but he didn't do that either, and he needs to.

He draws on the Force, trying to stay conscious and bring himself back, steady himself to keep moving. To do something.

Except darkness is blurring the edges of his vision and moving sends spasms of agony through his body. Obi-Wan did this to him. Obi-Wan. He wants to cry, but that would never be enough to give voice to it. He did this for... the greater good. Just as his master taught him to, and he... He couldn't think of objecting to his master's orders because of Obi-Wan, and Anakin refused to kill him like he should have.

He's not sure he can say the feelings are mutual.

He can't forget that look of fury burning in Obi-Wan's eyes as he attacked him, and something about it... He's seen it occasionally when his former master fights, but it's never been directed at him before.

Anakin doesn't even know why Obi-Wan was at the Temple – Sidious had already had him arrested. It had thrown him completely off-guard, especially with how angry Obi-Wan was. He knew he'd have to confront him eventually, but he hadn't even had time to think that far ahead. Everything was just about the mission. He couldn't let himself think past that.

If he did, he would realize the enormity of what he'd been asked to do, and he wouldn't be able to do it.

He'd been so scared then – but he didn't want to hurt Obi-Wan, even if he knew he needed to stop letting himself get distracted – and really, he still is now. He'd fading in and out of consciousness, and he doesn't know where Obi-Wan is taking him. He can't reach out with the Force very well either, thanks to the cuffs on his wrists. How did his former master even come prepared with those?

Not that there's much to feel in the Force right now anyway, beyond destruction and death – his boys are fighting all alone now; what's going to happen to them?! – and his former master's icy cold presence. It feels sharp and cutting like a blade of ice right now, and... (He can't really blame him for that, can he?)

His mind is moving in slow motion, though, and he has no idea how much time has elapsed since... Since Obi-Wan took him. Somewhere. He's too out-of-it to tell if Obi-Wan is being gentle or not. It feels like it, but it... hurts. Everything hurts.

He feels more than sees Obi-Wan moving him again, setting him down somewhere, but it jars the injury enough that it sends a wave of agonizing pain through him, and he abruptly blacks out.


Obi-Wan is not comfortable with leaving Vader anywhere unwatched right now, but he needs to get a ship to take them off-planet, and he needs to talk to Padme. She needs to leave too, or Sidious could still get Luke and Leia. Vader isn't in walking condition right now anyway, and nor can he reach out with the Force, so he shouldn't have any way of moving unless someone finds him, which is unlikely. Still, he needs to hurry.

In some ways, the damage to the Temple is so much more visible from a distance, now that he's reached 500 Republica. He can see distinct flames from here, and the smoke pouring up from the building, even in the relative darkness of Corsucant's night. The air feels of death, and he finds himself remembering all over again what it was like when he saw it the first time, returning that morning to see the Temple still smoking. The entire life he ever knew, gone, burned to the ground. Seeing it all over again is...

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