Alt. Ending - If All Was Well: Part 1

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What would have happened if Regulus had never joined the Dark Army? If he and Ophelia had survived the war? 

This chapter would take place during 7.8 - Sweet Sorrow and follow the kids directly after they graduated

*slightly nsfw in the beginning*


Regulus eyed Ophelia's lips a few quick times and whispered the words 'I need you' before leaning into the girl and kissing her.

She didn't even need to think about what she was doing, she just closed her eyes and kissed him back. His tongue poised over her bottom lip, awaiting permission, and she let him in. They had kissed before, but never gone this far.

It was exciting to Ophelia. Her excitement diminished for an instant when Regulus moved his lips away from hers, but it rose again when she realised that he was moving towards her neck. While he snogged the soft skin above her collarbone, Ophelia brought her hands to his back. She gripped the edges of his linen coat, and gently yet urgently took it off him.  

"Can I take this off?" Regulus asked desperately, plucking at the strap of her ruffly white sundress. 

"You can do whatever you want to me." Ophelia replied breathlessly. 

Regulus almost let out a moan at the invitation by itself, but quickly refocused and brought his hands down to the bottom of the dress bunching around his lap. The two of them pulled the dress off and over Ophelia's head, leaving the girl covered by only a thin bra and underwear. 

In a swift movement, Regulus manoeuvred Ophelia onto her back so he could hover above her and take off his poet shirt. 

The young man realised how familiar yet completely new this scene was. He had seen Ophelia lying in his bed in her pretties countless times, yet he had only dreamed of it being like this. 

Ophelia had on a giddy smile as she pulled Regulus down to her level and kissed him again. 

He pulled off of her lips for just one moment. "I really do want to say it, Lia."

"So do I." She professed, pulling him back down to her so as to feel every ounce of his body weight. 


The two of them ran to catch the Hogwarts Express on its last trip of the year. They had charmed their trunks and baggage to follow behind them as they ran, and even Dusty was speeding along with them. 

"Reggie, slow down!" Ophelia squealed, noticing that her no-longer-youthful cat was slowing down due to exhaustion. 

"Can't slow down, we'll miss the train!" 

The boy grabbed Ophelia's hand to pull her along with him. Their clothes flowed in the wind, and they could finally see the train and the smoke billowing out of it. A whistle blew, signalling the last call for passengers to board. 

Just in the nick of time, the two teenagers arrived at the platform. Ophelia scooped up Dusty into her arms, relieving him of walking anymore. 

"After you, my darling." Regulus said, gesturing for Ophelia to board first. 

She went ahead, and he followed right after her. The two were still catching their breath from their race to the train before it could leave without them. 

Ophelia led Regulus to their usual car, and found that Pandora and Barty were already there, waiting for the pair in silence. 

"What took you so long?" Barty asked, sharing an inquisitive look between the two in front of him. 

"Catching up back at the castle." Regulus said curtly, sitting down with Ophelia on the empty bench, extending his arm around her to bring the girl closer to him. Dusty curled up on Pandora's lap and began to purr quietly.

Immediately after that, the train let out another whistle and then began to move. 

"Well, now that you two are here and the train is moving, I have to go." Barty stood up. 

"Go where?" 

"I'm going to put a dung bomb under the cushion of an empty seat. Everyone's already seated, so it likely won't go off until next year. Then some poor lad's year will begin with a sweet boom."

They all rolled their eyes at him, but did nothing to stop it. 

"I'm going to make sure he doesn't get caught." Pandora said. She stood up and sat Dusty on the empty seat. "And I'm going to find the sweets trolley. Do you want anything?" 

"Two bags of jelly slugs." Regulus said, reaching into one of his bags and pulling out a few Knuts. He handed them to Pandora. "Thanks. You can keep the change and get something for yourself too."

"Got it." She said, leaving the cabin and closing the door behind her. 

Ophelia shot her a smile as she left, then snuggled into Regulus' side. "Now that we're out of school, we can buy jelly slugs whenever we want and no one can stop us." She said with a slight giggle. 

"We can buy anything we want." Regulus added. "We can do anything we want."

"What's going to be your first purchase when we get back home?" The girl inquired, thinking about her own answer to the question as well. 

"A house."

The answer was definitely not what Ophelia had expected. She moved her head from his arm and looked up at him with a look of confusion. "What?"

"I'm going to buy a house. I'm leaving my family, just like my brother. I want to buy my own house as soon as possible. Somewhere they can't influence or control me anymore."


"I'll even buy a house for the two of us if you want to move in with me."

Ophelia couldn't believe how casually he was saying all of this. "You can't buy me a house. Of course I would love to live with you, but you can't spend all of that for me."

"It would be for us. We can look together as soon as we get off this train."

"Are you serious?"

"No, that's my brother." Regulus said, flashing a proud smile from his joke at the girl. "But he could come visit us if he wants."

Ophelia couldn't hold back a grin. "You really want to buy a house together right now?"

Regulus suddenly felt anxious that she wanted to say no. He knew she would be hesitant, but he hoped she could push that all away. "Why wouldn't I want to?"

"Because we're young." Ophelia answered. 

"Your brother was the same age when he moved in with Lily." Regulus countered. "Plus, the younger we are, the more time we have together."

Ophelia paused. She leaned back on to Regulus and looked up at the boy from his chest. She looked into his eyes and took a breath in as she pushed a wavy lock of hair that was blocking his eye. 

"Okay." Ophelia told him with a cute smile on her lips. "We'll start looking the minute we get off this train."

Regulus let out an exhale of relief. "Really?"

"Yes." Ophelia cupped Regulus' face and kissed him sweetly. "I want a library."

The two both enjoyed her request. Regulus however, already knew this and was planning on buying whatever house had the biggest library for Ophelia.

"You can have whatever you want, my darling."

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