Alt. Ending - If All Was Well: Part 2

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What would have happened if Regulus had never joined the Dark Army? If he and Ophelia had survived the war?


Ophelia bounced her leg nervously as Pandora helped put pins in her dark hair to keep it all up.

"And I'll put the last one on the underside just in case." The blonde said, gently tilting Ophelia's head so she could see the updo in the mirror. "What do you think?"

"It's wonderful, Dora. I just need to reapply my lipstick and then I'll be ready."

She uncapped the tube and spread the red pigment over her lips.

"What do you think he's doing right now?" Ophelia asked.

"He and Barty are probably taking turns punching each other in the arm to make sure he doesn't cry when he sees you."

The two laughed at the joke, but they didn't know it was actually what was happening on the other side of the wall.

"So, no cold feet? 'Cause now's just about the second last moment you can announce them." Pandora checked.

"No." The other young woman giggled. "No cold feet. I've wanted this forever, I'm not going to change my mind now."

"Good. Then, I'll make sure they're ready and then we can start things. I'll see you in a few minutes."

The two exchanged a sweet smile and then Pandora left, closing the door behind her. She heard a knock on the door of the guest room, and in a few moments, there was a knock at her door.

She knew who it was, and she told him to come in.

In walked her brother, dressed in one of their father's old suits. It wouldn't have fit him, but he had it tailored just for this.

"Are you ready to go?" James asked.

Ophelia nodded. She stood up and ran her hands down the wide skirt of her dress.

"You look very nice." He complimented.

"Thanks. You too. Is that Dad's suit?"

"Yeah, it is. I had it fixed up to fit me, but yeah. I'm sorry he couldn't be here. I know this is something he should have done."

Ophelia went in for a hug with James, wrapping her arms around him while being careful not to ruin her hair or makeup.

"No, I'm glad it's you. I know we've had our own fights, but I'm happy you're doing this."

"Mum and Dad would both be so proud of you." James said as they parted.

Ophelia nodded again, holding back tears.

James noticed her emotions and tried to comfort her. "Oh no, you can't cry before you get up there." He kissed her hairline. "I won't let it be my fault if your makeup is ruined right now." 

The two both let out a huff of laughter, then James asked if she was ready one more time.

She nodded again, and the two started walking out through Ophelia and Regulus' shared home.

"Is Harry out there?" Ophelia asked her brother.

He knew what she was getting at and eased her worries. "Yes, but he's been fed, changed, and he slept very well last night. Lily and I made sure he wouldn't cry today."

"Thank you."

The two now stood at the back door, then James grabbed the bouquet from the kitchen counter and handed it over before they stepped outside.

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