Deleted Scene - During 2.8

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"You're absolutely mad!" Pandora almost shouted. 

This might have been the first time ever that Ophelia had heard the girl raise her voice or even become visibly upset. It honestly scared her, but little Ophelia had on blockers that pushed the sight of Regulus forward and above everything else. 

"Aren't I?" Ophelia responded calmly. 

"See? You can see it too, you're just mad about Regulus for no good reason!"

"I'm not mad about him." Ophelia told him. "I'm just making sure he stays on the Quidditch team, Merlin knows our house needs him."

"Slughorn can find your team a new Seeker, hopefully one that has some sort of morals."

"He has morals!" The girl shouted. "Just because yours are different doesn't mean they are there."

Ophelia fumed as she straightened out her outfit. She wanted to look as nice as possible for her testimony, but now her hands were shaking too much to even button up her cardigan properly.

She took a deep breath and refocused, just like her mother had taught her when she was a child. Three seconds inhaling, three seconds exhaling.

She calmed down, but she wondered if it was really the breathing technique that made it possible or if it was just the fact that she knew if she didn't calm down, she wouldn't be able to testify the way she wanted. And if she didn't testify perfectly, Regulus could lose his spot on the Quidditch team, plus whatever extra punishment the professors wanted to dish out for him.

"Pandora, I know how you feel about everything, but I respectfully disagree with it. And because we have a difference of opinion, I have to just do what I deem the right choice, which is standing by people who the world is against."

Pandora took a breath, similar to the one Ophelia took just a few seconds ago.

"If that's what you're set on doing, then that's done. I know I can't stop you once you've made a choice." Pandora responded. "But I can tell you that I won't stand by this. I won't come to the games when the wunderkind player is a cheater, and I certainly won't keep all the respect I have for either of you."

Ophelia raised her hand to preemptively wipe away the tears threatening her hazel eyes.

"So what do we do?"

"I'm going to let you decide." Pandora told her. "Because I know what I want, but I also know that you'd hate it."

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