Chapter 6- Wake the crew

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You walked down the hall, sighing as you neared the core.

You looked over at the bombs that were placed along the halls, which mark put in place incase the core fucked up and you needed to separate.

you walked to the door, placing your hand on the scanner.

The door opened, reveling a blue portal on the other side.

"Well, um- Shit." You said, closing the door.

You turned, hands up in front of you. 

"Okay (Y/N), think" You muttered, turning to the bombs.

Marks voice echoed in your head. 

"If anything goes wrong, we can detonate these explosives  and separate the warp core from the rest of the ship! I've yet to meet a problem that couldn't be solved by explosives!"

You nodded, making your way back to Burt.

You entered the hall, the room changing to a hall littered with injured people.

You moved quickly through the halls, helping where you could as some people glared at you.

you walked into the main control area and to the panel.

"Captain, you're gonna wanna see this." Cece said, moving out of the way so you could look.

there on the screen was the wormhole, now near the ship.

"My god," Bullet said, scaring you. "We're stuck in a goddamn wormhole."

"No dip, Bullet." You said, looking to Burt.

"Hull stress is red lining across all decks." He said, standing in front of you. "It's holding for now, but who knows how long that's gonna last."

"Shit. Everyone, hold onto something." you said, pushing someone out of your way as you pressed the 'event horizon protocol' button.

The ship halted, as the lights flickered.

"Event Horizon Protocol activation successful." The computer said, causing you to sigh.

"Ship is free from the effects of the wormhole" It said again as you turned to the team, all giving you smiles

*One timeskip later*

You smiled, as you neared the light at the end of the tunnel.

It was all over. After being trapped and throw into world after world and watching your friend die over and over again, you were finally free.

The light consumed you, as your closed you eyes and let it take you.

"Software update complete." wait what

"Good morning Captain, we are currently ERROR years into our journey, coffee is en route" You slammed your fist again the wall as tears fell from your eyes.

"Damn it, not again!" 

"Current ship status is absolutely catastrophic."

The alarms started blaring, as you were thrown from your pod.

You got up and walked over to the fire extinguisher.

"I'm not doing this again." You said, chucking it into the window, throwing you out into space


You were sent back, stepping out of the pod and slamming your fist into the lockers.

"Reviving head engineer"

you walked to the door, when-

"Captain?" Mark asked, as you looked over at him.

"Does this feel-" he glitched out, into different forms before going back. "Familiar to you?"

You walked off, as he called after you.

But you were determined.

"lock me in a mirror prison, that fine. Lock me in an ACTUAL prison? That's fine to. But I will die weather this world likes it or not." 

You stood in front of the core, the door opened and the portal glowing.

"You." You said, pointing at it




You sighed. stepping back and hopping forward when-

"Captain, wait!" Mark yelled. pulling you back.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked, holding onto your shoulders.

He looked at the portal, letting you go. 

"What the hell is that? What the hell is happening?!" he said, looking at you with slight anger.

"Not a clue!" You said, throwing your hands up.

"No more!"  A voice called, causing you both to look back at the end of the hall.

Standing there in blue light was a person.

"No more. It ends here. I'm not gonna let you do it."

"You can't stop me." You said, earning a look from Mark.

You two stood back up as the lady moved closer with her gun.

"I'm not gonna let you do it. You're gonna tell me what you did! You're gonna tell me what you did and then you are going to undo all the damage you have done." She said, as you and Mark moved closer.

You knew you were caught.

"Huh. Okay, look, um. Lady, first of all, welcome to our ship." Mark said with his hands up

You smiled when he said our ship.

"And I know it looks bad, but usually it's a lot better-" Mark started, before the lady cut him off.

"Not you! You." She said, pointing her gun at you.


you stepped back.

" i don't know what you're talking about, lady." I said, my hands in the air as she got closer to me.

"Everything that you've destroyed, everyone that you have killed, you are going to undo everything! Right here, right now." The lady said, moving closer as the computer chimed in about the reactor overloading.

Your eyes widened as you were throw into the portal in a blaze.

you felt your shirt scorch, flames licking your skin as the portal consumed you.

You felt like you were gonna be sick from spinning, till you saw Mark.

He mumbled out some nonsense, then said "Hello Captain." In a sick tone.


You looked down at you hand, the blue core crystal imbedded into your skin as you stepped out of the pod.

"Did I- Did you-Did we-" Mark rambled as you both circled each other.

You both started laughing, and you grabbed onto one another.

"We're immortal!" You both shouted, laughing.

"or something like that." You said, letting go of Mark

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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