Ⅰ.『 Sing me one last song 』

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[ Shanks x Makino ]

"Captain-san?" A dark green haired girl asked as she went inside a certain bar. Inside, was a red haired man waiting. He had a scar on his left eye. The man, Shanks looked up at her from where he was sitting.

"Makino. How are you doing?" He asked as Makino went closer to him.

"I'm just fine, Captain-san. How about you? You're never this early in here, the bar isn't even open yet." She said with a genuine smile. Shanks nodded, and got up.

"I couldn't sleep. I got a hangover. The others will probably come in afternoon. They have horrible hangovers." He explained his reason of coming as he observed the woman in front of him.

"Oh? Is the hangover really bad?" She asked in worry, only for Shanks to casually nod like nothing is wrong. Well, other than having a terrible headache. After humming, she said,

"I can sing you a song, it could help the hangover to soothen. My mother always sung to my father when he had hangovers. It did help, so I wouldn't mind singing to you." Makino said as she went to get a cup of cold water. Shanks smiled at how gentle and nice she was. He thought of him as an angel. A truthfully pure soul.

"Thank you, Makino. I guess I won't mind you singing.." He said with a smirk. Maybe he was eager to listen to Makino's voice. I mean, who wouldn't mind hearing her, an angel sing? Clearly Shanks already named her as an angel. So she's an angel now..

"Well, then.. let's go inside the forest. There won't be any disturbance there." Makino said as she put down her bags on the counter. Shanks nodded, and together they got out of the back door and went to the forest.
Inside the forest, Makino led Shanks into a little open area with rocks around. She sat on one of them, gesturing Shanks to do as. Shanks, feeling worse than before, decided to not argue and just obey. He was still eager to hear her sing, so he had to obey. Actually, if anyone who knew Shanks was to see him like this, they would definitely think Shanks is being controlled. But no, no one is controlling Shanks as of now.

"Hmm, let's see.. I can sing you a lullaby kind of song that my mother always sung. It's my favorite, actually.. Would you like to hear "The song of the sea"? " Makino asked with a smile, looking at Shanks who was right besides her on the rock. He smiled back with a nod, confirming that he wanted to hear her favorite song. Makino looked up at the sky and gave a soft sigh. Inhaling the fresh weather of the forest, she closed her eyes beginning to sing the song..

Between the here, between the now
Between the North, between the South

Shanks listened as she sung with her eyes closed, a nostalgic smile on her face. Her voice.. Oh, how beautiful it was. The most angelic voice he had heard ever. He could listen to her songs forever and ever, and never get bored. How could one be so adorable? How could one sing so angelic? You're my angel, he thought.

Between the West, between the East
Between the time, between the place

She opened her eyes, and continued singing while Shanks stared with astonishment. Right now he had already lost his terrible headache and was listening quite happily. He was the happiest right now, being able to hear an angel sing isn't everyone's destiny. But this specific angel, oh she was so much Shanks's destiny.

From the shell
The song of the sea
Neither quiet nor calm
Searching for love again

She looked at Shanks, who never stopped staring. Her eyes sparkled for a second before continuing the song.

Mo ghrá

With that, she gave a closed eyes smile to Shanks, who smiled thankfully in response.

𝘖𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ♡Where stories live. Discover now