Ⅳ.『 Mysterious Lady 』

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〔 No ships 〕

A/N: I thought of this randomly -too randomly maybe- when I saw this fanart of Robin. I hope you like it so far, and no ships are included in this one ~(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡

Warning-ish: Luffy and Robin may be OOC here. I made Luffy so he knows about his parents, and the consequences of it being found, also Ace's too, of course. For Robin, in here she's younger. Like, for canon when she first appeared she was 28, but in here she's 21. So I guess she can be a little OOC considering her age? But overall I tried to make them canon as best as I can (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Also, I wrote this with what I remember from the Arabasta Arc.. It might be a little mixed if I missed the story line- which I tried not to.. Hope you enjoy reading it!

The little ravenette boy was exploring his home island throughoutly, going to places he's never been to. And, finding out new things about the rather big island he was living on. Monkey D Luffy, the claimed to be the future king of the pirates, would be found roaming through the woods every day. He would be fighting Grand-Line-sized animals as a form of training. Little 10-year-old enjoyed being on Dawn Island, but he still wouldn't be sad that he was going to leave the island 7 years later. It was a promise between he and his big brother, Ace. Ace is 3 years older than him, and was 13 this year. They promised each other to leave the Dawn to become a pirate at 17, so Ace would be leaving in 4 years. Luffy promised himself that he would train to be stronger than when Ace left before he left, too. So, he spend most his times training.

That day, however, ended up being a special day for him that he never spoke to anyone of. As usual, he was exploring the island when he ended up in an open area, with various sized rocks scattered around. It looked fascinating to the boy, but what got the best of his interest wasn't the rocks nor the scenery. It was the mysterious lady, who was on top of one of the bigger rocks, looking up at the sky. She had shoulder long black hair, wore light purple long sleeved shirt, white shorts and a pair of white, long boots. The wind gently brushing her hair back and forth made her look more beautiful than she already was. Luffy saw her beautiful blue eyes watching the sky, and with awe, he just thought how fascinating she looked. She was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, followed by Makino who was the nice woman that owned the only bar in Foosha village. Just then, the lady noticed the presence watching her. Slowly, her gaze fell upon Luffy, the little boy watching her. She noted that there were no one else around, and continued examining him. Luffy, being the adorable child he is, smiled brightly at her and waved his hand enthusiastically.

"Hi, mysterious lady!" He chirped with cute giggles, and watched as the 'mysterious lady' hop down from the rock she was sitting on. She smiled just a little bit at Luffy's brightness, and casually spoke.

"Hello, little one. Why are you alone here? This forest is dangerous." She said calmly, the smile now gone from her face. Luffy looked up at the beautiful woman, his smile however never fading away. He raised his hand towards her, and said,

"My name's Luffy." Despite her questions being completed ignored, she looked confused at the hand. She was never treated like this in her life. Mostly, the children would run away from her because of who she is. 'The devil's child'. She shook her head, throwing those disgusting thoughts away. Apparently, this boy had no one to teach him that. Or perhaps, the news weren't delivered to this island? But, the marines to know that she's in East Blue, so she'll go with the first idea.

"You shouldn't believe everyone you see, Luffy." She said calmly, and when the boy tilted his head after pulling his hand back, she decided to continue. "I'm a wanted woman, and your family wouldn't be happy to see you with someone like me. I would appreciate it if you forget about me." She finished, just when she saw the boy frown slightly. She knew it, that when the kid learned she was wanted, he would be scared and leave her to go to his family. Maybe he was from the little village behind the mountains, on shore. But, why would he go that far awah from the village without anyone looking out for him?

𝘖𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 ♡Where stories live. Discover now