Chapter 4

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Tris' POV

We get up and start running towards the tracks. we climb the platform and wait for the train.

The train comes into sight and I start running. once it passes I grab on, press the button, and swing in.

I see the candor girl struggling to get on and reach out my hand.

She takes it and I help her in, making sure she doesn't fall.

"Thanks." she says nodding her head.

"No problem. I'm tris, by the way." I say smiling.

"I'm Christina. Arnt you the girl that shot the boy then he chased you?"

"Yah, uriah is my twin brother. URI COME HERE!" I yell the last part over to uri. he's talking to marlene and Lynn, and totally failing at flirting with marlene.

He walks over smiling and tackles me to the ground. that son of a b-

"Yes trissy." he says smiling.

"I'm going to kill you...unless you kill me first fat ass!" I manage to wheeze out. ugh why is he so heavy!

"Fine." he gets up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Really?" I ask. I hate being picked up.


"Well Christina, this is uriah, uriah this is Christina."

They smile at each-other and exchange some small talk for a little bit while I just hang here. on Uriahs back. because he won't put me down!

He eventually sets me down because it's time to jump off the train onto the roof.

The roof starts to show so I step back and launch my self out.

For a few seconds I feel free, like I'm flying. everything seems to be in slow motion for a few seconds until I hit the ground and land perfectly on my feet.

I quickly run over to max and eric. damnit. I hate that guy.

Soon enough everyone is crowded around them and uriah is next to me.

"Alright initiates. You have just performed your first act of bravery, heres the second act of bravery. who wants to go first?"

I smack my hand over Uriahs mouth and yell, "ME! See uriah didn't say anything. See, nothing."

Max laughs and says, "I don't know, I think a muffled 'me' from uriah."

I playfully glare at him and he chuckles.

"Fine tris, you can go but I'm not controlling when uriah goes. So don't be surprised if he lands on you." he says and smirks an evil smirk.

He has always been almost like a second father to me since our dad died. It almost seems like we are father daughter bonding at times.

I go to the ledge and when I'm about to jump Eric slaps my ass.

"Oh no you don't!" I yell and grab him, but in the process we both end up falling into the net.

I land next to him, thank gosh.

I feel the net tip and role over Eric, accidentally *cough*. Purposely *cough* kicking Eric in his soft spot.

Four gets me out. I look into his mesmerizing blue eyes the whole time, but am torn from my thoughts when Eric plops down next to me. Holding his junk...

"Why is Eric down here?" Four asks, directing the question towards me.

"He decided that it would be smart to slap my ass before I jumped, so I grabbed him and we both fell."

Uriah is now down and when he lands on the net he gets up and pounces onto Eric.

"Well anyways, FIRST JUMPER, TRIS. Welcome back to dauntless." He says with a slight grin which might I add, is hot.

Okay fine, I like four a lot. don't judge me though, he's hot!

I turn back to uri and Eric and find Eric unconscious. We were always better then most people in dauntless at that type of stuff. Four is the only one who beats us.

We stand in the corner and wait for the rest of the initiates to follow.


I KNOW I HAVNT UPDATED IN FOUREVER! I'm sorry, I've just been focused on school and my no war fan FIC a lot more and havnt had time to update any other fan fic. Love you initiates!

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