The Oreo Robber

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↑ Picture Of Jake Summers ↑


"Good luck bro!" I shout as I hug my brother tight. Surprising he hugs me back.
"I might need it. Driving tests seem scary... I find the lessons bad enough." He shudders slightly.
"Don't worry about it, it will be fine!" I push him lightly on the shoulder. "Go get it cowboy!" I chuckle at my own statement, he does too. I wave and shut the door.
Girlie films all day, cooking and talks!
I run into the living room where I saw my mum kneeling down next to the DVD player, with 'Mr & Mrs Smith' in one hand and Tangled in the other. Honestly the hardest decision in the world.
"You choose mum, I don't mind!" I laugh, I hope I'm not the only 17 year old who still watches Disney...
"Okay, Mr & Mrs Smith first, is that okay?" I give her a knowing look and curl up on the sofa. She inserts the DVD and it begins the intro credits.
After settling down something clicks in my mums mind.
"For gods sakes!" She struggles to get up out of her confy position on the sofa. "The popcorn!" I laugh and she scowls at me, but in a nice way.
She brings in two large bowls of honey popcorn.
"Thanks, mummy!" I pull a cheesy grin at her. And she smiles back.


I breathe out loudly, so bloated bu the popcorn, not like it's even that filling.
That's when I hear my bedroom door open upstairs. I listen closer. Footsteps.
"I will be back in a minute." My mum nods and loosens her hug.
I look at her, to see she is a bit concerned.
"I am just going to get my Oreos." She rolls her eyes, but still smiling.
As soon as I am out of my mums sight I run to the bottom of the staircase.
Hesitating a little bit, I put my toes on the first step. Then on the next. Then the next.
Soon enough I find myself in front of my bedroom door. It is slightly ajar. Completely forgetting that it could be some sort of dangerous criminal, I push my door open.
And there, before my eyes was the cutest guy in the intire world, with at least 6 of MY oreos in his mouth. I look down at his pockets. A packet of Oreos in each one. He grins sheepishly. Crumbs falling out of his moth onto the floor.

"What the fu-" I say quite loudly before he puts his hands over my mouth. I look into his big green eyes.
But then realise there is an OREO ROBBER in my bedroom.
I peel his hands from my mouth. And slip the two packets of Oreos from his pockets.
I look sternly at him. He is struggling to chew them all at the same time, so he takes a few out. Spit clinging to them as he pulls them out of his mouth.

"That, that is gross!" I say a lot more quiet voice of mine.

"Harriet, you're missing the best bit!" I hear my mum call from downstairs. I automaticly blush.
"Coming!" I call back.

"Go through the front door when I go downstairs. Come back at 2:30 ish, don't knock. Text me when you're coming." I quickly scribble my number on a postit note. "Now get lost, before I call the Oreo Police!" I whisper shout to this boy in my house. He nods with appreciation and follows me wearily downstairs. I open the door as silently as possible. He steps out and winks playfully. "Catch you later babes!" He shouts making me cringe.
"Who was that Harriet?" My head is screaming at this boy. He smirks. I slam the door right in his face.
"No one mum... no one." I say panicking now. I ran back to sit on the sofa. I handed her a packet of Oreos as of nothing happened.
But of course, it did.

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