chaper5:morning after

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As Holly hears a knock at the door she gets up to answer it. It was johnny telling her to wake up.

"Good morning john."

"Good mor-" johnny says as he sees elvis asleep on her bed.


elvis wakes up as johnny is screaming.

"Johnny it's not what it looks like I swear."elvis says as he walks closer to johnny.


"she got drunk last night with Jerry and I came to tell her goodnight and saw that she was drunk so I told Jerry out and then she asked me to stay with her and I told her that's not a good idea. Don't be mad at her it's my fault."


"it was my first time johnny I swear I wasn't going to but Jerry begged me to have a drink with him." Holly says as teat start to come to her eyes.

"Jesus Holly, don't listen to Jerry." Johnny says as he hugs his sister.

"I won't do it ever again I swear."

"You better not, not unless I'm there to watch you I don't need something bad happening to you."

As johnny and elvis walk out of Holly's room johnny stops elvis from walking any further by calling his name.


"Yeah john."

"Thank you for taking care of her."

"Yeah any time, I really care about her john."

" I'm starting to realize that."


Holly starts getting ready for the day. She put on her shoes and dress and does her hair.

 She put on her shoes and dress and does her hair

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(Holly's dress)


At the concert elvis was the last to go on. As elvis was singing and dancing on stage Holly was on the sidelines watching. Elvis noticed that she was watching him he winked at her causeing her to blush. After he was done preforming he walked over to her.

"Enjoyed the show?" Asked elvis with a smirk on his face.

"It was something alright."

Elvis chuckled at her comment.

"Why don't you sing like your brother?"

"Oh I could never I would get to shy and mess up."

"Oh come on I bet you sing like an angel."

As elvis and Holly started talking about the life's growing up and telling embarrassing storys of dumb stuff they did they walked to elvis changing room. They talked and talked until Holly began to grow tired and fell asleep laying her head on his lap. There was a knock at the door. Elvis carefully gets up to make sure holly does not wake up. He answers the door it was johnny.

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