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It had now been 5 months after elvis got drafted to germany. Holly had stayed at graceland and would visit her family every weekend only becuase elvis told her to so she wasn't sad all the time.

Holly woke up to the sound of Vernon crying for help. Holly ran out of the room and ran to Vernon. Holly saw Gladys passed out on the floor and Vernon right by here side.

"Go call 911." Vernon says as he holds Gladys head with his hands.

Holly runs to the phone and dials 911.

"Hello what your emergency." The woman on the phone says.

"Please help Gladys presley has passed out." Holly says as she starts crying.

"Okay Ma'am I'm sending help they should be there soon."

After the paramedics get to the house they take Gladys in the ambulance and take her to the hospital Vernon went with. He told Holly to stay and to call the army base so elvis was notified.

After elvis got told his momma was in the hospital he took the next plane and flew back home and picked up Holly from graceland then went to the hospital.


After they stabilized Gladys they could go in her room.

As they were all sitting in the room besides Holly as she wasn't family the doctor told them that she wasn't going to make it and that her liver was failing.

Elvis and Vernon stayed in the hospital room until the very moment she died.

Vernon walked out and told Holly that Gladys passed away. She hugged Vernon as they both cried.

They all whent back to graceland and had the funeral the next day.

Elvis wouldn't get out of the closet. He wanted to stay there forever. You could hear his cries from down stairs.

Holly walked into the closet were elvis was and sat on the floor as he collapsed in Holly's lap as she comforted him.

As they were both sitting on the floor Colonel Tom Parker elvis's manager walked in.

"The press are here they wanna ask you and your daddy a few questions and take a few pictures." Colonel says as he walks into the closet.

"I don't wanna leave. I wanna stay here forever." Elvis says as he cries into Holly's chest.

"I'll take on your mother's responsibility. I'll worry and work and worry." Colonel says as elvis gets up.

"Y-your like a father to me Colonel." Elvis says as he hugs him.

"I'll never leave." Colonel says as he looks at Holly who is now standing behind elvis.

Holly didn't know what about him made her wary of him but ever since she met him she knew something was off.

They all walk out of the room and back down stairs. Elvis, Vernon, and Tom walked outside as the press asked questions and took pictures elvis hugged his daddy as they both cried.

Holly stayed inside and talk to acouple people that were there that she had met on tour.

Acouple weeks after gladys funeral Elvis and Holly cuddled as elvis talked about his momma. Holly noticed that elvis had acouple pill bottles on his night stand.

"What are those?" Holly says as she points to the pill bottles.

"There pills to help me sleep." Elvis says as he takes acouple.

"Oh" Holly says in a dull tone.

"Here take 2." Elvis says as he hands Holly the pills and a glass of water.

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