Chapter 4

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April's POV:

I paced in the bathroom nervously, waiting for the timer to ring. When I heard it ring, I immediately grabbed the test and flipped it over. No. It can't be. My career... the girls... and Nick... My heart lurched at the thought of him.

I stared at the two pink lines in horror. I can't be pregnant! How am I supposed to teach the girls for the upcoming competition? What about my broadway career? What am I supposed to tell Nick? We aren't even married yet! I cried as I sat on the cold floor. Is Nick going to leave me? I cried at the thought of that. 

"But I love him," I sobbed. "Ape? You in there?" Nick called from outside the bathroom. Oh no. It's Nick. I'm not ready to tell him yet. I mean I know it's his baby but I just... 

I can't tell him yet. I'll tell him later, just not now. "Ape?" Nick called again.

Sarah's POV:

Nick and I heard April crying inside the bathroom. What could be-? Oh no. Has she taken the pregnancy test? Nick tried knocking on the door but she didn't answer. 

April's POV:

"Here, let me try, go away Nick. April? It's Sarah. I need to ask you a question." I heard Sarah say from outside the door. This time, I let her in. Sarah came in and look at me. "Are you okay April?" she asked me. I shook my head. Suffocating silence followed until Sarah asked me, "Have you taken the test?" 

Sarah's POV:

April nodded shakily as she pointed her trembling finger to the two lines. 

"Hey, everything's going to be alright," I said as I scooted closer to hug her.

"What if your brother leaves me?" April whispered.

"Nick? He would never do that. He loves you April." I told her as she cried on my shoulder. 

April's POV: 

"April? You know you can't stay in the bathroom. You need to come out soon." my dad told me. I sighed sadly as Sarah helped me up. I slowly twisted the doorknob and the door creaked open. 

"Whoa. Ape are you okay?" Nick asked as he watched me with worry. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied as I quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand. "Nick, I need to tell you something. I'm p...pregnant," I managed to choke out. Sarah hugged me and rubbed my back. "Good job," she whispered in my ear.

Nick's POV:

When April emerged from the bathroom, I saw her beautiful tear-stained face. She must have been crying. But why? Did I do anything wrong?

"Nick, I need to tell you something. I'm p...pregnant," April whispered nervously. She's what? 

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