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<Passing through my love>

Kez was streaming on YouTube again, casually playing against promo on tetra league. During his first perfect clear, he receives passthrough. A sense of pleasure sweeps through his body. The thought of the passthrough made him blush. After that game, he made the excuse his mom was calling him, quickly ending the stream.For the next few days, all he would do is play TL trying to get as much passthrough as possible. He loved the feeling of it. He didn't understand why or how, 

But he was in love with passthrough.

One day, he gained the courage to propose to passthrough, he went into a TL match once again and started playing. Eventually, the match went to 14-14, he was scared he wouldn't get to ask out passthrough. Then finally, the passthrough happened. He then yelled through the screen,


He then immediately lost the game. He finally came to the unfortunate realization that passthrough is really just a game feature and has no soul. Eventually he also came to realize his actions over the past few days. It hit him like a rocket, he had killed his girlfriend and covered up the murder to date passthrough.

A thing, a feature, something with no soul, 

Something that could NEVER love him back.

His life was ruined.

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