4 wide

1 0 0

<4 widening my obsession>

Kez was destroyed by the other incidents that happened. He finally decided to take therapy. 3 months had passed without playing Tetris. He felt like he was finally getting closer to being free from this nightmare.

But was he really going to stay on that path?

He felt like it was finally time to get back into Tetris and show off his skills to the world once more. Opening up Tetr.io, Kez felt scared of his problems arising again. 

What if he started falling in love with inanimate objects again? What if the hallucinations came back?

Despite how he felt, he pushed onwards, starting up his stream. Welcoming the chat, he finally felt like himself again. His chat was relieved to see him again, giving him positive comments and being excited to watch him after him being gone for so long. Kez opens up zen to practice his skills and get ready to play Tetra League. Eventually he gets bored and decides he's practiced enough. 

Hopping onto TL, he gets matched against the most amazing Tetrio player of all time (except Kez himself of course), Wumbo. It was a 6-5 and Wumbo started to build a 4 wide. Kez is immediately destroyed by the epic 20 combo 104 spike.  Wumbo types "Lol XD!!!" in the chat and wins the other matches.

Kez thinks long and hard about the match, he then realizes the power of the 4 wide. He gets it together and goes on TL, with a strong feeling for 4 wide. He then starts 4 widing every game, with each 10+ combo giving him a good feeling inside. After days and days have passed, Kez wins nearly every TL game he plays and makes it in the top 10 worldwide. Kez looks at himself and feels happy for his accomplishments, but he wants to take it further. 

His bond with 4 wide has grown too strong and his old ways have been returning little by little.

He readies himself to ask 4 wide to take it a bit further. He builds the 4 wide, and at the 10 combo, he finally asks,

"4 wide, would you like to take our bond a bit further? I think we should date." His schizophrenia kicks in and he is brought into a mental realm of imagination and fantasies where the 4 wide is embodied into a figure. Kez is about to approach 4 wide until she raises her hand and stops him.

"Kez, you need to go back to reality. I'm not real, none of this is. Your fantasies are becoming a fake reality again. You're mentally ill, and this needs to stop once and for all. I will never come to life, I will never be this figure you see in front of you,"

I will never be real.

Kez falls down and cries. He can't stop his schizophrenia from kicking in and making him imagine Tetris features/pieces as attractive women, he can't stop his obsession.

He sobs louder, gripping his head and bashing it against the ground.


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He then wakes up in the hospital.

His dad stood near his bedside and rushed over once he saw that Kez was awake. "Son! Thank God you're awake now, I heard screams from your room, and you were passed out when I got there. It looked like you had fallen out of your chair and apparently you broke your collarbone by doing so. You're going to have to be here for a little while longer before we can go back home, but you'll be needing a sling for until that heals." his dad explained to him. Kez said nothing in reply and simply turned his head to look at the ceiling.

Can I be cured?...

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