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<The garbage I keep in my head>

Months had passed with Kez healing from his injury and going to more therapy. He was finally given medication to deal with his hallucinations. In therapy, he was told that he should only play Tetris for small increments of time and to stop immediately if the feelings begin to come back. After a long period of time without playing, Kez had forgotten how to properly play and was bumped down from the top 10 to the top 100 on the leaderboard. 

It saddened him.

But he kept on playing. He kept practicing and practicing. He played in public lobbies and quick play because of the fear of fully losing his rank, and eventually he opened up a lobby one day and noticed something.

He noticed how the garbage piled up on his board, and it made him feel joy.

He was back at it again.

Kez ignored what his therapist said and played Tetrio all day and pulled many all-nighters just for the sake of getting garbage and having it pushed onto his board. He wanted to have that feeling of immense joy and love, it was like an addiction, and it was. Any time he went to his therapy sessions, he would lie his way through it in order to not be taken away from his true love,


After the weeks of playing simply for the garbage, Kez notices he went down a rank. He was U rank. Remembering his hate for U rankers, he realizes how exactly his love for the garbage had affected him in Tetris, especially in Tetra League, bumping him down a rank and getting in the way of his achievements. He didn't care though, his obsession for garbage had gone far, farther than it had been with any other Tetris feature/piece. He played on and on to continue getting garbage, even in zen he turned on backfire in order to get garbage. Never caring about the fact that he was playing in TL and losing nearly every match because of the garbage, he slowly went down to a B rank. Still not caring even an ounce, he decided it was time to ask garbage out.

And so, he entered his fake reality.

Running over to the personified garbage, he forcefully grabbed her by the hands and was swift to ask her out.

"Garbage, please, date me."

No answer, just a blank expression.

Gripping her hands tighter, he asked again with more assertiveness in his voice,

"Garbage. Date me."

The garbage suddenly gave him a fearful expression and tried to wiggle away but was unable to do so. Kez took it as a yes and began to hug garbage tightly. The garbage continued to squirm in his grip and tried to escape, but to no avail. Suddenly, Kez's dad opens the door to his room to check up on him and finds him hugging his blanket with a powerful force whilst whispering about all the different things him and garbage could do. His dad rushed to him and attempted to shake him out of it, but it was no use.

  Kez was too far gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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