Words not Spoken

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 Disclaimer: I don't own any MHA Characters or Art, I do own the plot and any OCs that show up, and the poems and creative writing are mine, unless otherwise stated at the beginning of the chapter.

Hey everyone, just wanted to say this is a first for me. I am trying my hand at smut, or insinuated smut anyway. Never wrote it before so hope it's up to par, I figured baby steps.

⚠️Insinuated smut⚠️


A mix of sweat and saliva flies through the air, as yet another punch hits its target. "Nice one Shitty Hair." The blonde coach, lets his student know he is doing well. "You have two months to get ready for your competition."

Kirishima smiles around his mouth guard. As he takes another swing at his sparring partner. This time Sero ducks and swings back making Kirishima have to dodge a fist. The redhead takes a side step back and then a step forward with yet another swing hitting his target and knocking the other male on his ass. Sero felt his jaw pop even though he had his head gear on. Stepping back the redhead reaches out his hand to help Sero to his feet. Taking out his mouth guard. "You good Bro?" Kiri asked as Sero shook his head, taking out his own as well.

Reaching up, taking Kiri's outstretched hand. "Thanks man."

"No problem, thanks for letting me hit you." He said with a toothy grin.

"Always a pleasure." He joked back.

"Oi, you two idiots finished flirting?" Katsuki asked two of his best friends. "If so, clear the ring. I got another idiot coming in." The two men wrapped towels around their necks as they climbed out of the ring.

"Dunce, get your ass in here it's your turn to get kicked a round. Eyebags is up to be your sparring partner this week."

"He does Shootboxing too, what happened to Mina I thought it was her turn?"

"He works here, he does whatever I tell him to do, and she had something come up so she won't be in for a week. Besides, are you really questioning me? " The blonde said.

Yellow eyes rolled as his hands went up in front of him. "No, I got it." Kaminari replies as he climbs into the ring.

"Oi, eyebags make sure you make him work for it this time, don't go easy on him just cause his clumsy ass fell and twisted his ankle last night. I wrapped it so he is good to go."

"Why I never." Shinso said as he put his hand to his chest in a mocking jester. "You hear that sparky, Boss says you have earn, your ass whooping." The taller man said with a smirk.

Giving him a sly smirk in return. "That's if you can catch me, I'm lightning fast." The blonde said as he playfully slapped the other male's arm.

"Now if your done fucking off, its time to get serious." Red eyes glared at them from outside the ring.

Both men took a fighting stance. Kaminari was shorter so he had to get in closer, that's why he was working on close contact techniques and how to get out of different types of holds.

Denki made the first move he went in low giving a kick to Shinso's right leg.

The other male dodged it and landed a roundhouse kick to Kaminari's head. Causing him to hit the mat. Shinso tried to get a hold on him but Kaminari was a little too fast. Getting back up and taking a stance again.

They both moved in a circle around the ring, the blonde tried to sweep kick the other males legs out from under him. Shinso jumped his leg like it was a jump rope, and then kneed Kaminari in the side.

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