The Worst That Can Happen

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Hey, my Happy Readers, here you go enjoy. 

Happy Reading   (:

Izuku's mind is racing, and he is overwhelmed by so much. His run-in with Lucas and Kalib keeps playing in his mind. His first competition is in three and a half months. That is hard to believe. It seemed like yesterday, not two weeks ago, when he agreed to take on Kalib. The fact that he starts his internship in two days, along with thoughts of a certain blond someone, consumes most of his days. It's easy to say he has difficulty keeping his mind on any task. Yes, he has all of this, and finals are approaching fast.

His mind is not where it needs to be. "Midoriya?" He looks up at Yamada, his creative writing instructor, who is now standing in front of his desk, looking down at him. "Are you alright?" Giggles and scoffs can be heard around the room.

Green eyes looked up at yellow ones. Clearing his throat, he said, "Y-yes, I'm alright." He didn't need to look around the room to know that the majority of the class was laughing or scoffing at him. Rolling his eyes at his classmates, he could only guess how many times Yamada said his name before making his way to stand in front of his desk.

"Yes, well, as I was saying, Midoriya is the one I have selected this semester to intern with Toshinori Publishing," Yamada said as he made his way back to his desk.

There were groans, and a few said, "Of course," as they threw their hands up. There were two "congratulations, Midoriya," followed by giggles. Izuku knew when he was told it was a common curtsey that he found out first and that Yamada would tell the rest of the class; he just hoped to be absent the day it happened.

"Well, that is all for today. I will see everyone next week. Turn your papers in on your way out." One by one, everybody stood and made their way to the front. A stack of papers slowly formed on the corner of his desk. Midoriya wasn't in any hurry to head out, so he took his time.

As he slowly put his things in his bag. Once everything was packed up, he stood and made his way to the front. Placing his paper on the top of the pile. "Midoriya, is there something on your mind?"

The older male watched him as he found it hard to keep eye contact. "I just have a lot on my mind, but nothing I can't handle."

Smiling up at his student. "Well, if you have trouble handling anything, just know I am here if you need to talk."

Nodding his head full of green curls, Midoriya smiled back at him. "Toshinori will be expecting you tomorrow."

"Yes, sir.. wait tomorrow? I thought that was in two days." He questioned Yamada

The older man gave a sly smile. "Oh, didn't I tell you the day got moved up?"

Midoriya shook his head and felt his throat dry. "N... no, you didn't." He stammered out.

"Oh, well, now I have," he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "See you next week, kid," he said as he gathered the stack of papers from his desk.

Once again, he replied, "Yes, sir, and I want to thank you for this opportunity." He bowed to his instructor before leaving class.

"Midoriya, you made the decision easy for me. So thank you." Yamada called to him before he could completely disappear.

Great, Izuku thought to himself as he made his way across campus. Now, I have one more thing on my plate. "Can things get any worse?" He asked out loud, not realizing the footsteps that started keeping time with his.

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