Coffee and Confesions

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Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to get this update done, but I have been having a problem with falling asleep while writing so it takes for ever to get anything done. Anyway here we go with the next chapter, hope everyone enjoys it. 

Izuku found himself waking up in a tangle of arms and legs in the middle of his living room floor. Shoto took over Midoriya's bedroom seeing how he couldn't bring himself to sleep in there. The other three stayed in the living room. As green eyes fluttered open he saw his roommate and friend both sipping from coffee cups as they smirked at the pile of bodies on the floor. "Uraraka, Shoto, how long have you guys been standing there?"

Uraraka raised a brow over her cup as she pursed her lips together. "Did you boys have a good time last night?" She nodded her head toward the other two, still sleeping.

Izuku rolled his eyes at her. "It wasn't like that," he winced from the pain in his back as he sat up and fully untangled himself. "We fell asleep. I could only find two pillows and one blanket so we had to share, and I guess we got tangled up." He made his way across the room and grabbed his own cup of coffee. He finished adding cream and sugar and brought it up to his lips. "Perfect." He said as the warm liquid went down soothing his raw throat from the trauma it went through the night before thanks to his psycho-ex.

Shoto took his coffee and sat in the living room on the love seat. Izuku peaked over his cup at the girl standing in front him. "What, what is that look, I told you we just feel asleep."

She smirked as she swallowed her coffee. "I know what you said and you know what I said. He likes you, and I think you like him."

Eyes are rolled at her. "No, he doesn't and if I did that's crazy we just met, and I just got out of hell. Besides he is way too hot for me, there is no way he would even look at me like that. I don't even know if he likes guys for one and for two there is no way a guy that looks like that could like someone like me."

He turned to see the two males still sleeping on the floor. I wish I could find someone like him, that looks as good as he does and treats me like he has so far. In your dreams Izuku you have fallen in the trap before. Izuku's brain was in overdrive again. Just then Bakugo turned on his side and yanked the blanket so hard that Kirishima slammed into the couch with a thud waking him up. This snapped Izuku from his thoughts.

Katsuki heard the loud thud, causing him to jolt up memories flooding back to him from last night. "Deku!" He called out with worry, lacing his husky morning voice as he sat up right. Shoto just watched them in amazement.

"Bro, that was harsh. If you wanted the covers that bad all you had to do was say so." Kirishima said as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head. Shoto was watching everything unfold with slight amusement.

Katsuki didn't even acknowledge the redhead as he stood making his way to Izuku. "How are you feeling today, can I look at your back?" He asked, waiting for an answer before reaching out for the smaller male's shirt. Izuku's answer came in the form of a head nod. The blonde reached out and carefully raised his shirt, being mindful of the others' wounds.

Midoriya let out a hiss as he raised his arms to fully take the shirt from his body. Shoto and Ochako sucked in a breath as Kirishima's eyes went wide even though everyone saw his back the night before it was still a shock to them. He had red cuts that had leaked a little blood during the night. "We are going to have to clean this up again, and rebandage it." Izuku only nodded again; he felt if he used words he might break down, like he did the night before.

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