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⚠️Warning, physical abuse in this chapter⚠️Just incase someone needs the warning. Also sorry it took me so long to get this done between Covid and the holidays I was beat.

Kalib ended the call and threw the phone at the wall and a few pieces flew in different directions. "Now what should I do to you for punishment, you know what you did was wrong, so now I have to show you what happens when you're not being a good boy."

All the color drained from Izuku's face as he cried out "No, Kalib you don't have to do anything. I'm sorry I..I won't do it again I swear." Izuku's pleas fell on deaf ears as he was flipped back onto his stomach and Kalib undid his arms so he could put them in front of him and re-tie them. Green eyes met dark blue as Izuku forced himself to choke out, "Kalib I..I'll be good I promise, please just don't." The larger male yanked the smaller one off the bed and drug him to the closet where he pulled the green eyed man's tied hands above his head and placed them over a coat hook on the closet door so that Midoriya was on his tiptoes.

Facing the door Izuku couldn't see what his Ex was up to, Kalib went over to Izuku's bedroom door shutting it and finding what he was looking for. He grabbed one of Izuku's own belts off the back of his door. "This will do." Cold dark blue eyes landed on the back of his target. Kalib not only took joy in making Izuku cry, he also liked to humiliate him as well. The taller male walked up behind the other as close as he could. "I will make this hurt." was whispered into Izuku's right ear.

"K-kalib, plea-please don't, don't do..." he didn't get to finish as a sock was stuffed in his mouth. Tears ran hot and heavy down freckled cheeks. Izuku's body started to shake as he felt Kalib's large hands reach for the button and zipper of his jeans. He pulled Midoriya's pants down leaving his boxer briefs up, and he grabbed the back of his shirt and ripped it open. Inhaling sharply through his nose at Izuku's neck, then running his tongue across his bare upper back. The older man smirked against the other's skin. "I hope you're ready."


The drive to Izuku and Uraraka's apartment was tense and quiet. Kirishima was filled in on the basics of what was going on, and could feel everyone's unease. Katsuki's green eyed cutie was in trouble and if the red head knew anything it was that his best friend would do whatever he had to keep anyone safe especially someone he cared for. The blonde may have a hard exterior shell, but in reality he has a very big heart. Kirishima may have been out of town for most of this week, but he knew that the blonde already cared a lot for this green eyed male.

Bakugo pulled his car into the parking lot of the apartment complex and made his way to the second building to the left across from the mailboxes and the pool. He put the car in park and couldn't get out fast enough. Uraraka ran up to the door only to be pulled back by Shoto. "Hey, we should be careful and not just bust in. In case there is something wrong."

"Icy Hot is right. We should be smart about this." Katsuki had been thinking since meeting Shoto how his hair reminded him of fire and ice, and icy hot being something he uses a lot after a long day at the gym, it just fit. These were the thoughts he was using to keep his mind from going crazy with worry about Midoriya.

Brown eyes found red as she held her keys out to him. "Here you go in and we will follow." He looked back at her and nodded, taking the key and putting it in the door. Slowly he turned the key and unlocked the door pushing it open. Looking around he could see the television was on and the kitchen was a mess, like someone couldn't make up their mind what they wanted to eat so they made several different things but didn't finish any of them.

Uraraka looked around the small kitchen. "This was not like this when we left this morning and Izuku doesn't make this kind of mess." She knew she had seen the kitchen look this way before and it made her fear for her friend.

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