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You gave your all as you were on the stage performing.

Seeing all the fans in the crowd gave you an adrenaline rush and motivated you.

After you guys finished a few other songs, you took a little intermission to talk.

You stood there as sweat formed on your face, you grabbed a towel and wiped it off, you were careful so you didn't ruin your makeup.

"Hi Engene!" Heeseung spoke and waved at the crowd.

Loud screams filled the wide room, causing Heeseung to make.a shocked face, which made the fans scream even louder.

Heeseung started speaking and when he was done, Jay spoke, and it went in order until it was finally your turn.

"Mika?" Jay looked over at you, signalling you to speak.

You smiled at the crowd and tried not to let everyone see how anxious you were as you brought the microphone attached to your headpiece closer to your lips.

"Hey guys!" You smiled.

Everyone cheered.

"I hope you all enjoyed the first part of the concert!"

More screams filled the venue.

You chuckled.

"We will do our best for you guys! We really appreciate all Engene does for us! We love you Engene!"

You did a finger heart and smiled as the crowed erupted with noise.

The lights dimmed and you all went backstage as a new video played on the screen as you and the guys changed into your second looks.

The concert went well and it was finally time for the last section, you changed into your last outfit and headed onstage with everyone else and you guys performed your most recent comeback, Future Perfect.

You flinched a bit when fireworks went off, making Sunoo stifle a laugh, you hit his arm, which didn't go unnoticed by Engene's.

When you guys finished performing, you guys talked again.

"The concert has come to an end, sadly." Sunghoon pouted, making Engene's scream.

Sunghoon chuckled.

"Before we go, we have one more thing!" Jungwon said.

"LIGHTSTICK WAVE!!" You and Niki shouted.

Jay explained how it would work and counted down.

"3, 2, 1!!!"

A sea of light waved from the right side of the crowd and flowed into the middle, all the way to the left.

It was mesmerizing and beautiful, and definitely a sight to see.

You guys instructed one last time and the wave flowed from right to left.

After, you all said your goodbyes to Engene's and took a photo with the crowd.

You waved to all the fans and shed a few tears, and left the stage, waving rapidly, blowing kisses, and holding hearts in the air.

When you finally got off stage, you sighed and collapsed on the floor tiredly.

"Oh my god, Gem, you okay?" Heeseung asked, holding his hand out for you to take.

You nodded and waved his hand away. 

"Just let me lay here." You groaned.

Suddenly, out of nowhere you chuckled, which made the other members looked at each other, confused.

Their expressions made you laugh even more, until you were rolling on the floor, out of breath from laughing so hard.

You stood up and brushed off your outfit.

"You're seriously crazy." Heeseung shook his head in disgust.

You giggled and headed to your dressing room.

You changed back Into the clothes you had on earlier (the sweatpants, tank top, and hoodie). You headed out into the hallway and saw the rest of the members waiting for you.

You guys headed out the building with some security and your manager.

There were some fans outside taking videos. You waved and blew kisses to them and climbed into the car.

"That was seriously so fun!' You squeaked.

Everyone nodded and agreed with you.

You guys talked and laughed the whole way back to the hotel.

Enhypen 8th member💚Where stories live. Discover now