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You woke up with a painful headache. 

You sighed as you remembered everything from the previous night.

You knew the cause of your headache was from how hard you cried. Whenever you cried a lot, you'd wake up with a throbbing pain in your head.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes.

You noticed that Jungwon was gone and got up and went to the kitchen.

Sunoo, Jungwon, and Jay were in the kitchen making breakfast. They noticed your presence and smiled.

"Hey Gem!" Jay came over to you and kissed the top of your head.

"Hey." You replied.

You sat down at the island and rested your chin on your hand.

"How are you feeling?" Sunoo asked as he handed you a plate with eggs and toast on it.

"Fine. I just have a headache." You picked at the food.

"Take some Tylenol or something." Jungwon suggested.

"I will."

They all nodded.

Sunghoon came into the kitchen and gave you a hug.

You smiled. "Hey."

He smiled back. "Hey."

The rest of the guys cringed.

"Do you mind taking your flirting somewhere else?" Sunoo gave you both a disgusted look.

You and Sunghoon giggled. You guys liked to pretend flirt in front of the members to annoy them. You did feel a bit attracted to Sunghoon, but never told him and assumed that he just liked doing it to annoy the members and not because he actually liked you.

Heeseung, Jake, and Niki entered the kitchen and Jay decided to speak on the situation with you and Minho.

"Mika." He said.

You looked up from your plate. "Hm?" 

"Our manager wants to talk to you after you finish breakfast." He said.

You just nodded and sighed.


You sat at the end of the long table, fiddling with your fingers, as you waited for your manager to enter the room.

The door opened, revealing your manager. You stood up and bowed.

"Hello Mika." He sat down.

"Hi.." You nibbled your bottom lip.

"So, as you know, there have been some rumors about you and Lee Minho from Stray Kids." He spoke.

You nodded. "They aren't true, I just went to their dorm to hang out and he walked me back." You explained.

Your manager furrowed his brows. 'I see..Mika, you can't just go off wherever you like, especially to other idol's dorms, it's extremely dangerous and causes lots of problems, especially when your meeting up with males. People could assume things. You're lucky no one caught you both coming out of the dorms, they could assume you guys were doing way more than hanging out." 

You nodded, understanding what he meant.

"I had a talk with some of the other managers and the Bang Pd about this. At first, we were going to confirm the rumors for more publicity, but we didn't think it would be fair for you or Minho, so we will deny the rumors. If you are to ever hang out with others, please notify me first." He said.

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