*-Twenty Eight-*

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"You WHAT?" Jake whisper shouted.

"I kissed her! I know it was wrong since you like her too, but I wasn't thinking!" Riki rambled on.

Several thoughts ran around in Jake's head. 

Did this happen when you were together? Why didn't you tell him? Do you like Riki too? 

"What did she say?" He nervously asked.

Riki bit his lip anxiously, "I, uh...she didn't say anything.. She was asleep.."

Jakes eyes widened, "You kissed her without her consent?!?! Riki what's wrong with you?!?"

"I don't know! I told you I wasn't thinking!"

Jake sighed in frustration, "Yeah, obviously."

They sat in silence.

"You can go now Niki." Jake spoke.


"Please go."

The younger nodded and excited the room.

Jake didn't know what to do. He knew he should tell you, you deserved to know...but he didn't want to cause problems between you and Niki.

He was upset, how could Niki do that to you? Without you knowing?

It wasn't the worse thing ever, he knew Niki was respectful and meant the best, he would never do anything to hurt you, the poor kid was just in love.

Jake knew it would be best for Niki to tell you himself, Jake didn't want to be the messenger.

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