-*Twenty one *-

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"Thanks for coming with me, I really needed a break from everything." 

"You're welcome." Jeongin grinned at you.

You had invited Jeongin to go camping with you since you both had a bit of a break. Minho also tagged along.

You and Jeongin were currently taking a walk by the river, trying to find interesting birds to take pictures of, Jeongin had suggested it. You didn't really understand why he wanted to take pictures of birds, but you went along anyway. 

"Innie, I don't think we're gonna find any birds... Lets just go back to the tent, Minho should be done with dinner by now." 

Jeongin sighed. "Fineeee, but I WILL find a bird later."

You shook your head and giggled as you both turned around and walked back to the campsite.

As you predicted, Minho was done with dinner.

He had made grilled chicken and some vegetables on an electric stovetop.

"Thanks, this looks good." You grabbed your food and plopped yourself down in one of the foldable chairs.

After dinner, you guys roasted marshmallows and made Smores by the fire.

"Sooo." Jeongin starts off.

"Sooooo, what?" You muffle, mouth stuffed with smore pieces.

"Don't you have any interesting information? Like what's happening with you recently?" He leans in close and raises his eyebrows.

You push him away. "Nothing."

"You're lying." Minho, now intrigued butts in.

"Am not!"

"Yes you are! I can see it on your face!" Jeongin says.

You sigh. "Fine. But you guys cannot tell anyone okay?" You look at them both.

Jeongin and Minho both signal a cross on their hearts.

You take a breath before speaking, "Niki found out I have a crush."

Jeongin's eyes widen. "HOW?!?"

"He just kept asking me questions, and you know I'm a horrible liar." You huffed.

"Wait, wait, wait. YOU, have a crush?" Minho raises his eyebrows.

You nod.

"On who?"

"Not telling!" You take another bite of your smore.

Minho turns to Jeongin. "Who is it?"

"Can't say. I promised Mika I wouldn't tell!" He puts his hands up in defense.

"Mika tell me!" Minho pleads.

"I'll tell you soon, just not yet." You promise.

He sighs and gives in.

"Does Riki know who it is?" Jeongin asks.

"No, I don't think so."

Jeongin shakes his head. "You'll have to say eventually. You can't hide it all your life!" 

"I know, but I'm just not ready for all the backlash." You shrug.

"Tsk." Minho starts. "You shouldn't be afraid of what people think."

You sigh. "Minho, when we got in a dating scandal, do you know how many death threats I got? Imagine what would happen if people found out I like someone in my group!"

Minho's jaw drops. "IN YOUR GROUP?!?!"

"MIKA!" Jeongin screeches.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT." You buried your head in you hands.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Minho grins.

"Yeah yeah, I'm going to bed." You roll your eyes and stuff the remainder of your smore into your mouth as you head to the tent.

(This ones a short one, sorry!💓💕)

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