1 - Risks

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Well, it's something I can do at least, Keith thought to himself whilst lounging on his futon in his apartment after browsing through a varied assortment of random job listings he had found in Canada. He had finally found the job he had been etching for since considering his big move to Canada. Keith had been longing for a more relaxed style of life after attending school for what he felt had been like an eternity. So many days spent in the suburbs by the city, but ever since he was a kid he felt like he always needed something more, or rather less. Less of the crowded, bustling and busy environments he had grown so accustomed to, and more of a quiet serene environment he had yearned for, for so long. The only thing he was missing was someone to enjoy it with really. None of his friends would even begin to consider sacrificing their financial stability and relationships for a dream they didn't even share with him.

He was also longing for a girlfriend who shared this dream with him. But didn't know anyone at the moment who was like that or would really consider starting a serious relationship with him. He had been in relationships before, but they had all fizzled out for one reason or another and no matter what he did he just couldn't seem to stick with them. Thankfully, none had ended on a sour note but it wasn't exactly like he was still talking to his ex's on a regular basis.

But that's just the thing, he had gotten into all those relationships by taking risks right? After all, who really got anywhere great in life without taking risks? Risks, a word that had become very synonymous to Keith for being a necessary evil of sorts. And if any large and stupid move was going to achieve this dream of his it was going to be one that was done in the spur of the moment and one that was made by taking risks.

He looked down at the listing again, "JOB AVAILABLE - SEEKING PARK RANGER FOR FIXED-TERM BASED EMPLOYMENT." Park Ranger huh? He pondered once more on the thought, he hadn't been attending education this whole time for no reason after all and he had all the necessary requirements to land the job. It's just that doing so would mean that he'd have to leave everything behind. That pesky word risk, once again entered his mind as he questioned the possibilites. No, no more wasting time he thought. He mightn't get this opportunity again in the future after all and he couldn't afford to keep beating around the bush to pursue a path in life that wasn't particularly of much interest to him. He was going to do it. He knew his brother would be glad to help him with his belongings as he'd always gotten on particularly well with him and he still communicated with his family on a regular basis. After rigorous questioning from his parents he knew that eventually they'd come around to understand what he was wanting. Canada isn't too far away from Chicago and he could always come back for a few months to visit after settling in. His employment was fixed-term based after all, he could probably manage to get a few months free from his employer. As he sent through his CV in the spur of the moment, hoping he would not come to regret his decision. He immediately got onto making some calls around to inform people who needed to know.

*1 month later*

"I can't believe you're really doing this man, I mean where are you even going to stay in Canada?" Said Jacob, " Well, the employment comes with a place to stay, there's a Rangers lodge on the site." Said Keith to his brother. "Huh that's neat I guess." He replied as the last of his stuff was loaded into the back of the truck. Keith still looked exactly how he remembered, messy brown hair, bluey-green eyes and a slightly athletic frame. Even after a few years of not seeing eachother, the pair were still as cherubic and inseparable as they always were. Although he was a little taller than he remembered as he guessed that he was around 6"1. Jacob said his farewells to Keith as he watched he sped off into the distance. It was almost time for Keith to board the plane to Canada, a step he had been longing to take for so long and a risk he wasn't quite sure he was exactly prepared to take yet either. His flight was going to be a short yet reflective one. This wasn't his first job after all and he was interested yet nervous as to what things were going to come his way. As he got into his car and drove off to the airport. "It's about time I become a man who takes risks for a change." He thought to himself as he drove.

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