2 - Let's make a start.

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A brisk winter's breeze sent a shiver down Keith's spine as he took in his surroundings. He had finally made it to where he'd spent months painstakingly organising things to arrive. He had dealt with problem after problem to get to where he was today and he couldn't help but let out a small smile whilst overviewing the new cabin he would spend the next few months living in.

He had arrived on the west coast of Canada, a place particularly renowned for being a snowier part of the country where snowfall could last for a few months on average before clearing. Also, the snow was only going to be here for about a month until the park's clear of it so he's not too worried about it. Besides the area nearby was completely stunning mountainous terrain, with sparse trees that covered the land in a beautiful shade of green and a stunning pond that was currently frozen over but is home to freshwater fish when they flow through the rivers as the ice clears later in the season. His cabin was secluded from the other cabins that visitors would accompany as it sat on a small mountain overlooking the entire view.

(I'm bad at describing scenery so to help you picture it. It would sorta be this exact view, but this would be on a decently sized mountain overlooking some nearby cabins, a road that leads down to the main park compound and a large lake. Credit goes to the photographer as this photo is taken from Yoho National Park.)

The park wasn't far away from a few towns either, it wasn't in an entirely remote location but it would still be a decent drive away from them

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The park wasn't far away from a few towns either, it wasn't in an entirely remote location but it would still be a decent drive away from them. Keith was given the choice by the park manager Bob between living in one of the cabins on site or living in the local community. But he didn't really care where he stayed, he knew he could always drive up to the nearby towns if he started to feel lonely or speak with the staff that were employed alongside him so he didn't have a problem with living on the site. His cabin was a moderately sized one. A one-story building equipped with all the necessities he could possibly need like a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a living room and even a spacious bathroom. It was everything he could need for a place to stay and more he thought to himself as he suddenly heard a knock at his door. He opened it to find Bob standing there. He was an old guy who was probably nearing retirement in his position, he would get vexed if things weren't running smoothly but Keith always shrugged it off as something that just accompanied his age when it came down to it he could see that Bob was a nice and humble guy who truly cared for the park and had enjoyed his job thoroughly. "Hello newbie, I don't want to trouble you too much as I know you're still new here, but I've already given you a few days to adjust yourself to your new setting and we're currently understaffed so I really need to give you a rundown on what your to do now." He said as soon as Keith opened the door not even giving him a second to think. " Oh, sure thing we can get to it right now if you want," Keith said in response to the old man. "Great then let's get started." As the pair of them discussed job details.

What he was told could all be shortened to a brief sentence. He's been given a range rover for use whilst he's employed and a backpack filled with all your typical ranger equipment alongside some tools on his belt. His job involves maintaining trails, conservation work and assisting with tourism. Picture, typical ranger/ park ranger stuff.

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