Primary Characters

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Name: Fjolla

Personality: Kind, Passionate, Earnest, Curious and at times Cunning or otherwise Charming. (Edit: I've changed her backstory a little, don't expect anything in here to be absolute. It generally holds true though.)

Physical Attributes: She's a Khaedae (more on that momentarily.) Specifically of the snow leopard genus.

Appearance: Generic snow leopard look with noticeable markings on her face and tail. Grey fur with a white patch located on her midriff and partial splots over her which also tend to break up her grey fur.

Mental Attributes: Semi Bi-lingual, Average intelligence and nothing else of note.

Background: She lives in the snowy wilderness with her family staying out of sight of human beings that her species has deemed as dangerous. I won't delve further into this yet as it kinda enters spoiler territory.

Khaedae information: The Khaedae are a species of very humanoid animals that live in desert regions such as snowy tundras or barren deserts. The Khaedae also possess the ability to transform back into their respective animal counterparts to make it easier for them to disguise themselves infront of humans. However, they mostly prefer being in their true Khaedae form whenever possible. Khaedae have also picked up on human language after brief exposure to human beings as they learn languages at an accelerated rate 100x better than humans. Although, this ability considerably weakens as they age. Furthermore, Khaedae are naturally much stronger than humans with male Khaedae could be able to easily beat up to 8 humans in brute force, speed, and dexterity at peak physical fitness with it being averaged to 6 humans for a male and 3 - 4 for a female respectively. They also possess great natural muscle control similar to humans. And finally, Khaedae age at a rate comparable to humans although they retain a more youthful composition as they age and tend to live longer than humans on average due to their lifestyle requirements and genetic makeup.

A/N: Sorry kinda went on a tangent there, I'll try to keep further descriptions more brief and digestable =).

Bonus Note: She really wants to visit Australia after overhearing humans talk about it despite having zero chance of being able to board a plane or even a boat for that matter as it would require that her species to become known to humans. (Yeah, somehow modern-day humans exist without knowing they live on a planet with another form of intelligent life, mainly because people who actually acknowledge the Khaedae's existence are immediately labeled as skeptics, crazies or cryptid fantasizers.)

Name: Keith

Personality: Modest, humble, can be caring under circumstance, generally funny and quite likeable despite his unassuming achievements and mannerisms.

Physical attributes: Slightly athletic, stands relatively tall at 6"1, early 20's and human.

Appearance: Messy brown hair, generally wears a generic park ranger outfit for job sake, relatively attractive.

Mental Attributes: Above average intelligence (doesn't really show this with how he acts though.)

Background Information: Grew up in Chicago and shortly after moved to Alaska in his early 20's in pursuit of a less city-centered lifestyle. Average childhood living with both parents, 2 siblings and above average wealth.

Bonus Note: Not really about keith here but his sister has Ailurophobia. Ironic.

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