7.5 - Conflicted

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The log cabin stood proudly on the mountainside, surrounded by a pristine blanket of snow. The air was crisp and biting, carrying the scent of pine trees and the freshness of the winter season. The cabin's sturdy logs were adorned with a dusting of snow, creating a picturesque scene, almost otherwordly. The sunlight filtered through the frosted window panes, casting a soft, golden glow on the wooden floors.

Inside the serene cabin, Fjord stood, looking at Fjolla, and upon hearing Keiths words, he stood with a want to determine her reaction. He could tell that there was just about nothing he could say to her to change her mind. His gaze shifted from Keith to Fjolla, he fully understood the weight of her decision and how she desperately longed for a life outside of the wilderness and as she yearned for a new chapter of her life. He knew deep down he had no right to steal her future from her, even if it meant assuring her safety. But being Fjolla's sole protector for most of their lives, he wouldn't dare forgive himself if her decision went south and something went wrong. He felt powerless, he could take her away from Keith by force, but what good would that do? She'd just come running back regardless and if it wasn't Keith she ran back to, he feared there'd be much worse out there than him. After careful consideration, he eventually decided from watching Keith that he wasn't a threat to Fjolla, if anything, her being with him would threaten Keith more considering their differences in strength. Fjord chuckled to himself, he couldn't believe Fjolla wanted anything to do with the twig that stood before him. "Alright, Fjolla, you can stay with Keith if you promise to keep yourself hidden from anyone else." He said begrudgingly. "And Keith, if you let anything happen to my sister. I will not forgive you, I hope you know better than to try anything." Fjord scowled, Keith appeared to reconsider letting her stay after that. Not wanting to risk being mauled to death by a muscular anthropomorphic leopard. Which by all means, was fair enough. But before he could say anything Fjolla pounced on Keith, hugging him tightly. "Even though you've only known me a short while, you don't understand how grateful I am to you Keith... You've given me something I could only dream of, I-I'm just so grateful..." She said tearfully, Keith realised that any hope of declining the offer was complety gone after that. If he dared say no now, he'd probably get mauled to death then and there. The police couldn't do any good for him neither, as it wasn't like he could just call them up and tell them he's afraid of getting his life cut short by an anthropomorphic snow leopard. Besides, Fjolla's words had moved him, he wanted to give this a shot. "Fjolla, I'm so glad you feel that way. But in all honesty, what I've done for you is what any good person would've done. I'm really no one special." Fjolla didn't respond, she continued holding him tightly. "Now you're just reminding me of my brother." She said giggling, "He says stuff like that to me all the time, he's also too humble." Keith couldn't believe she was talking about the same guy that beat him up upon his first introduction, he almost considered asking if she had another brother but didn't dare to say it out loud. "I-I'm sure he is." He replied carefully.

Fjord was conflicted to see how much of an imprint Keith had left on his sister, on one hand he was glad she was so happy and on the other, he wanted to tear Keith to shreds for getting involved with their lives. But regardless, he gave a small smile to Fjolla. "Promise me you'll visit ok?" Fjord said, as to which Fjolla responded. "Of course, I'll be fine Fjord." She said giggling, quickly running over to give her brother a tight embrace.

*A few hours later.*

(A/N: Sorry about the very short chapter! I'm just wondering [if anyone is still reading this book] what direction should I take the story? Im not sure if I'll write anything too NSFW, but I'm eager to write a sort of adventurous romantic story. [If you care] Feel free to object to this and suggest something else, I can make things more "exciting" if that's what people wanna read =]. Thanks for reading this far by the way, I really appreciate any comments I manage to get from this weird story.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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