Chapter 38

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Heather's POV-

We were at the hair salon to shave off my hair, Liam was carrying Dylan and Lila, he looked cute with both if them in his arms. We walked up to the receptionist desk, "He-." She stopped and stared at us too, the emplyee seemed about 16, she probably just got this job. I smiled at her, "Don't worry, we're just regular people, coming to get a haircut." Liam said standing next to me, she smiled. "But you're like Liam and Heather Payne." She stared in awe, I went around the counter and gave her a hug. "See just normal people." She smiled at me and I went back to Liam's side, she put in my name as a customer. "So what can we do for you today?" She asked, still a little shocked. "I would like to get my head shaved, just like liam's here." I said running my hands through his hair, he smiled at me. The receptionist looked at like I was crazy.

"Why would you want to cut off your veautiful hair?" She asked quite quickly, I laughed. "For my cousin, Kimberly. She has brain cancer and has to go through Chemo today." She nodded and smiled, "See, I don't know why people can hate on such an amazing person like you." I smiled, "Thank you." "Okay, I'll get Maria to come help you." I nodded and she walked away, "Are you sure about this?" Liam asked, I nodded. "I don't want her to feel like she's doing this by herself... She doesn't deserve it." Liam hugged me, and kissed me head. "No one does baby." I looked at my beautiful kids, "We're so lucky that you two don't have an awful disease like that." I kissed each of their heads, "Heather Payne." I'm guessing Maria said, I turned around and smiled. "Hi, I'm Heather." Maria smiled, "Hello, I'm Maria. You're hair dresser for today."

She walked me back to a seat, "Okay, so what can I do for you today mam?" She asked looking at me through the mirror. "I want to shave all of my hair off." Her eyes went wide, "Wow, that's a lot of hair." She smiled, playing with my hair a bit. "It's for my cousin, she's going through chemo today..." She smiled, "You're an amazing person." I smiled, "Should we start?" "We shall." I said, she turned me around. "I want you to see the end product." I nodded, she brought out a razor and switched it on. "Here we go." She cut the first part of my hair off, it fell to the ground. "Oh my god." I laughed, I had a lot of hair. Maria smiled and continued her work.

*10 minutes later*

"Alright I think we're done." She said looking at me, I smiled widely, waiting to see my "hair". She slowly tunred around, my hand met my mouth. "Oh my god..." Isaid staring at myself, "Holy crap, it's gone." I ran my hand through it.She smiled, "This is free, jut because you did this for a great cause." I shook my head, "No, no please I'll pay." She shook her head, "I insist." And with that she left me there to look at myself, Liam came behind me with the kids. "Wow, it's all gone.." He said looking at me. I smiled, "Does it look okay?" He nodded, "Fantastic." He said kissing my head, "It feels so weird." I said, he smiled. "You get yse to it." I stood up and hugged him, "I think the fans should look at this." I said takin out my phone, Liam stood next to me and smiled, I smiled as well. I took the picture and captioned it, 'Love you Kimberly, stay strong. Can't wait to see you at the wedding :) Xx' I tweeted it.

I ended up paying, because I would've felt so bad. We drove back home, the boys have gone out for the day, I walked in and took Lila out of Liam's arms. "How's my baby girl?" I said throwing her in the air, she giggled. "I think it's naptime." Liam said looking at a sleeping Dylan, I laughed and nodded. We both went upstairs and put them down for a nap, I heard a fee beeps. "That's my laptop." I said running into our room, "It's a videochat from Kimberly!" I yelled, Liam came in and smiled. "Answer it." I did and there popped up my cousin, "Kimberly!" I smiled, she waved. "Hey Heather!" She smiled, "Wow you look great." I said, she stared at me. "Your hair... It's gone." She said, I nodded. "I knew you had chemo today, and I didn't want you to be the only one going through it." She smiled, "If only I could be with you." She said, I smiled at her. "So are you coming to the wedding?" I asked, she looked suprised. "What wedding?!" I laughed, "My wedding silly." She looked even more shocked, "Who are the heck are you marrying?!" I laughed even more, "You're a directione right?" I asked, she nodded her head furiously. "Don't get off topic." I shook my head.

"I'm not. Kimberly, I'm marrying Liam, from One Direction." Her mouth dropped, "Okay, I know Harry is my cousin, and your brother. But you're marrying Liam James Payne?!" She screamed, I nodded andotioned Liam to come here. He sat down and smiled, "Hello Kimberly! I've heard great things about you." Kimberly looked at us, she came close and whispered. "Heather... That's Liam Payne.." I laughed and nodded, Liam wrapped an arm around me. "He's my finace." I said kissing his cheek, "Do you know hiw many girls want to be you right now?" She asked, I nodded. "I guess I'm lucky." I shrugged. We talked for a good hour about the wedding, and she was thrilled to find out we had twins. "Goodbye Heather, can't wait to see you!" She yelled, I laughed. "You too! I love you Kimberly, take care of yourself." She nodded and wave goodbye before ending the call, I laid back on the bed. "She seems really sweet, how old is she?" "Thirteen." I replied staring at the ceiling, "She doesn't seem bothered with the cancer... She seems like she doesn't even have it." I rolled on my side, "My uncle always told us growing up, 'Go big or go home', he always said that to us when something happened, either we fell off our bike or got a splinter."

Liam's POV-

I smiled at her, "We can use that one for our kids." She nodded, "I love you Liam." Heather told me, I wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her closer to me. "Not as much as I love you." I kissed her softly, I ran my hand over her shaved head, "It's like another me." I joked, she laughed. "But I look better." She said closing her eyes, "Yeah, okay." I said sarcastically, "Don't be jealous." She said rolling to her other side, I pulled her close to me. I pulled the duvet over us, "Goodnight baby..." I kissed her temple, she smiled. "Night night Li.."


I think the next or next, next chapter is going to be the wedding!! Aha! I really want to fo a sequel for this, maybe it can be about the kids growing up, or Liam and Heather again. Ahh! I dont know yet, but please comment!! Comment 'Leather' if you want it to be about Liam and Heather, or 'Lilan' for one of the kids as teens, or 'New Fanfic' for another one of the boys, I might just end up doing one about one of the other boys, just cause :) 1,525 reads for next chapter!

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