Chapter 26

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Liam's POV-

It was Heather. It was really Heather. I walked up to her, and held her hand. She looked at me with sorrow eyes. My grin slowly turned into a frown. "Heather..." She looked at the ground again, "I find out you cheated on a girl. And then I see you cheating on me..." A tear fell from off her face, "And then you can't even keep me safe for a whole night. For godsake Liam. I'm fricken pregnant, if you're not going to be there for me.... Then who is?" She let go of my hand, I stepped towards her, but she stepped back. "Heather, I love you... It wasn't my fault. I didn't plan it... I'm sorry, just give me another chance..." I pleaded, she looked at me in disgust. "I gave you two chances already... We're done Liam... And this isn't your child anymore. Goodbye." And she walked away, what was happening? This wasn't suppose to happen. We were suppose to get married, and have our baby together... It's all gone.

Heather's POV-

I jolted awake, I was still in the house. I looked at my phone, it was only 8. What a terrible dream I had, how could I leave Liam? That would be the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I just want him back, I want to be wrapped in his strong arms again. Anna came into the room, "Come one we're leaving, you can sleep on the way. The concert is tomorrow night." I nodded with anger and got up, I made sure I had my phone and walked out of the cold room. She showed me to a black Cadillac, I sat in the backseat. Did she even realise I had my phone? Idiot. I texted Liam, -To:My Love Forever: Anna drives a black Cadillac, license plate- ID10T (A/N if you need help reading that, it's idiot (:) I quickly sent it, and slid my phone under my thigh. We've been driving for hours, we passed by a sign. Orlando: 21 Miles. Great, so we're still in Florida, hopefully I can get one of the fans to see me. Or just a miracle.

Liam's POV-

It was around 8:30 pm, when I woke up from my nap. That was the worst dream yet. I looked at my phone, Heather texted me, god I missed her. I read it, and woke up the rest of the boys. We came back earlier today, after Heather called me. "What's wrong?" Niall asked, yawning. "Heather just texted me, she gave me Anna's car and license plate." The boys nodded, "Can we go back to sleep now?" Zayn groaned, I laughed and nodded. Before going back to bed I went on twitter, nothing from Heather. I decided to write something, 'I wanna save ya, save ya tonighhtt... :)

*5 pm next day*

Liam's POV-

We're in our dressing rooms, this was an early concert and started at six. We haven't heard from Heather since she texted me last night, this is a great way to kick off tour. (A/N note sarcasm) Lou came over to me, "You seem down Li... What's wrong?" She asked me, I shrugged. "Heather was taken by me ex... She's suppost to be here tonight. But we don't know where Anna is hiding her.." I choked out the last words, Lou frowned. "I hate to see any of you boys sad... But I have an idea." She came closer to me and whispered probably the best plan in the world.

*Concert Time*

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1... AHHH!" All of the fans screamed, we all ran onto the stage, jumping and just having fun. I tried to hide the fact that it was killing me to not have Heather in backstage. But Lou's plan might do the trick. "Hello guys! We're going to start things differently tonight..." I announced, "We're going to play a game where each one of us brings a lucky fan up here..." The fans screamed, "And we get to ask us something, if they don't answer truefully... Well, they don't get a kiss from us." I smiled, the fans screamed even louder. "On the cheek!" Louis yelled through the mic, "Sorry, some of us have girlfriends!" Louis winked at me, I smiled. "Okay Niall you pick first." Niall picked a very familiar little girl, she smiled at all of the boys but ran up to me. "Lila!" I screamed, she smiled and I pulled her into a hug. "I was hoping I got to see you again!" She screamed, I laughed. J picked her up, "Everyone, this is Lila. A beautiful, charming young girl I met outside a mall. She got to meet me and Heather personally, and I would like to thank her mum for the oppurtunity." I waved to her mum.

"So Lila.." Niall said into his mic, "May I ask you a question?" Lila nodded, still in my arms. Niall smiled. "Okay, who is your favorite boy from the band?" Niall cheekily smiled, the boys were pointing at themselves. She hugged my neck, "Liam." She said into Niall's mic, Niall grBbed his heart. "I'm heart..." Lila smiled and jumped from my arms to Niall's. She kissed his cheek, "Now I feel better." She smiled at him, "And I believe we get to see you after the concert?" Harry asked her, she nodded with energy. The boys chuckled, before she went off the stage she came to me. "Where's Heather?" She asked, I looked at her. "I don't know... But I'm about to find out." She amiled her toothless smile, I gave her a hug and she ran off stage. I pressed my mic up to my mouth, "Anna. Anna Hansen, will you please come up to the stage." I said more as a command, after two minutes a familiar face came to the stage, shocked. I looked at her with anger, "Anna my question to you is..." I looked at Lou backstage, she gave me a thumbs up. "Where's Heather?" She looked at me, "What are you talking about?" Liar.

"Where's Heather?" I repeated, the crowd was silent. "I d-don't know." She stuttered, "Okay, here let me play something for you guys." I looked at the crowd, I took my phone out and got the message Heather left me and put it up to the mic. Anna looked so nervous, at the end I looked at her. She was sweating like a maniac, "Where's Heather?" I asked her one last time, she stepped back. "I won't tell you anything..."

Heather's POV-

I didn't know where I was, my legs were tied together, one of my hands was handcuffed to a pole. I took my phone out and. put the flashlight on, I looked around the room. It was somewhere at the concert, I looked for a door, the janitor's closet. Wow. I quickly called Liam, "Hello?" "Liam, I'm in the janitor's closet." I said quickly, I could hear him take a sigh of relief and also the crowd in the back. Liam was going to look for me, he was still on the phone. "Babe, I'll be right there." I heard him, "Paul take Anna away." Liam sai as he walked by Paul, I smiled. "Boys I need one of you to come with me!" Liam shouted from backstage, I heard footsteps and then Harry was heard from my phone.

"Heather?" Harry asked, I smiled. "Yeah Harry." I could imagine him smiling."We're coming to get you, don't worry." I giggled. "Okay, thanks guys... I love you both."

Liam's POV-

"I love you both." That made my heart flutter, I get to see my girl again. Harry smiled at me, we started walking around the back until we couldn't find any closets. I went up to a stage crew, "Where's the janitor's closet?" I asked, they walked infront of us and led us to the closet. I unlocked the door and opened it, I was ready to see Heather. But she wasn't there... "Is this the only janitor's closet?" I asked worried, they nodded. "Where the hell is she?!" Harry said angrily, a tear fell down my face. I looked at my phone, pur call ended. My phone vibrated, "Who's it from?" Harry asked, "Unknown number." I simply said, I read the text. -Unknown number: You really thought you were going to get your girlfriend back that easily.... Xx -Ana.- I clenched my fists, dropping my phone on the floor. "Anna got Heather." I told Harry, he was staring at the floor. My baby was taken from me again, I said I wouldn't stop searching until I found her. And I'm not breaking that promise.

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