Chapter 28

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Heather's POV-

We made it to the hostpital, I was walking besides Harry gurney. The doctor said he is going to need surgery, but he said that it could've been a lot worse. They made it to the surgery room, "Miss do you mind staying out here will we do the procedure?" A nurse asked me, I shook my head. She smiled, "Don't worry, he will be okay." I smiled, I could see Harry from the doorway. I smiled at him, he blew a kiss to me. I pretend to catch it, I really hope he's going to be okay.

Shortly after the suregery has begun, the boys came into the waiting room. I looked at them, I must've looked like I got hit by a bus. My hair was messed up and my eyes were red and puffy, Liam frowned at me. "Are you okay love?" He asked sitting next to me, I shrugged. "I just want him to be okay..." Liam wrapped his arm around me, "He will, you don't need to worry..." He kissed my forehead, "He'll be okay..."

*2 hours later*

A nurse came out, probably with the results. The boys stood up, if he didn't make it, I wouldn't want to be standing up. Liam took my hand and pulled me up, he kissed me softly. I shyly smiled, the nurse took out a clipboard. "The stabbing didn't puncture any organs or anything, which is good. And with the surgery... It looks like he's going to make it." She smiled, I sighed of relief. The boys all did the same, "So he's totally okay?" Louis asked, "Well he's going to be sorr for a couple of days. We're going to have to keep him here for maybe two nights."

Liam's POV-

"What about the concert tomorrow night?" I asked the nurse, she shrugged. "Sorry boys, I don't think he will strong enough for it." The boys nodded, I don't know what Heather was thinking. I think she just wants to see him, "Can we see him?" Zayn asked, the nurse nodded. "After we get him into a regular room, which they probably should be done now. Be right back.." She entered the surgery room, and came right back out. "Okay, his room number is 1D." She told us, the boys were smiling. "It's a sign..." Zayn trailed off, we laughed and walked to Harry's room.

I held Heather's hand tightly, she was smiling like a maniac. Probably excited to see Harry. Niall knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Harry?" He called, he was laying on the hostpital bed and watching TV. "Hazza!" Louis yelled running into the room, Harry looked at him and laughed. "Hey Louis." Louis hugged him softly, not wanting to hurt him. "How does it feel to save someone's life... Again?" Zayn asked, Harry shrugged. "It hurts like hell." Harry laughed, we all laughed. Heather was still standing next to me, I lightly nudged her.

She smiled and walked up to Harry, "Hi Harry." She said softly, he smiled. "How's my baby sister?" He asked her, "Better. Now that I know you're alive." Harry smiled and hugged her tightly, "I'm so glad you're okay..." Heather cried, Harry looked at her. "Please don't cry... I'm okay, I'm here now." He wiped a tear away, "I'll never leave you.." He said softly, we all smiled at them. I don't think Heather could live with herself if Harry didn't make it.

Heather's POV-

We realeased our embrace, I smiled at him and walked back over to Liam. He put his arm around my waist, "You know your stomach has grown a little." I said, I smiled and looked at my stomach. "I guess so.." I smiled and kissed him softly, "I'm so glad to be back with you." I hugged Liam tightly, he smiled. "Not as much as I am." He fiddled with my bracelet, the boys stopped their conversation and looked at us. "Is that your anniversary gift he got you?" Niall asked staring at it, I nodded. "Wow it's beautiful..." Harry motioned me to come over to him, I did and showed it to him. "Wow, Liam... It's amazing." Harry smiled at it, "I know right." I smiled, "What did you get him?" Louis asked, "Be right back." I smiled and walked out of the room.

I got the bag that was under a chair, I took out the wrapped items. "I hope he likes it.." I whispered to myself and walked back into the room. I smiled and handed my gift to Liam, he took it and unwrapped it. A tear fell from his cheek, as he stared at the four pictures. "Heather this is the best gift ever..." He wiped a tear away, I smiled. "Why are you crying?" I asked, "I just love it so much..." I framed the pictures that we took that one night, he was staring at the one where he was kissing my cheek. I stood next to him, "Do you like it?" I asked, he nodded. "Love, thank you so much." He kissed me softly, "I have something else..." I said pulling out a small photo. I handed it to Liam, he smiled at it. "Is this our baby?" I nodded, "That is it's first sonogram..." He looked at me, "I didn't go to it did I..." I giggled. "You did, but i wanted you to stay in the hall." He smiled and looked at the picture.

"This is the best gift ever." He said staring at the picture, I smiled and sat on his lap. "I'm glad ou like it." He pulled out his wallet, "Do you mid if I put it in my wallet?" He asked, I shook my head. He carefully put it into the front compartment, with the clear covering. I smiled at him, "Uh-uh.." We heard Niall cough, "Can we see baby Payne?" He asked, Liam nodded and handed him his wallet. "Where is it?" Harry asked, "It's only been a month.. He's not even a fetus yet." (A/N OMFG FETUS!) They all nodded, "You should show this to everyone tomorrow night." Zayn said, Liam smiled. "Or right now." The boys handed it back to him, and then snapped a pic of it. And he uploaded it to Twitter, "Oh I'm sure you want your phone back." Liam smiled pulling it out of his pocket. "Thank you." I said taking it back, I went onto Twitter and looked at Liam's latest tweets.

I smiled, he tweeted. 'Look at the first picture of baby Payne, can't wait until she's here! :) Xx @Heather_Styles' "She?" I asked him, he shrugged. "A guy can dream." He smiled, "You're such a dork... But I love you anyway." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "And I love you.." With that he started to kiss me passionately, "Let's watch the PDA people." Louis smiled, we laughed. We're a big happy family, once again.

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