Part 9

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"My Kyu.. where are you?" He heard on the other side of the call. After all these years of pretending to be oblivious of his presence, here was he again, contacting Junkyu as if everything else was just a bad dream. Just when he decided to get over him, he was back yet again.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to be here with me."

It was obvious from the way he sounded- Park Jihoon was drunk. His words coming out slurred instead of the cool and confident way he always sounded. The sound of his teeth chattering could be heard in the background.

Is he outside? In this cold?

Junkyu rubbed his templates while trying to make sense of the situation he was suddenly put in. Thinking of a way to know why in the world did Park Jihoon who always kept his cool around everyone became so drunk that he had to call him. "Where are you right now?" He asked after taking a long deep breath.

There was a long pause before he replied, "I'm.. not sure...."

"Just look around dammit!" He shouted getting annoyed. He peeks out of the window only to see the thick cover of white snow starting to fall and covering almost everything. Calling Hyunsuk-hyung or Yoshi would just cause them trouble in this type of weather

"You aren't getting an answer if you shout like that."

"Jihoon-ah please... Where in the world are you?" He pleaded trying his best to remain calm.

Was he always like this?

"The neighborhood park maybe..."

Without wasting any time he grabbed his jacket he took off earlier and stormed outside. The park was about a fifteen minutes walk from his house.  But thankfully he was able to reach there within half the time thanks to his long legs helping him to run faster.

He looked around everywhere, turning his head around in every possible direction but there was no sight of anyone else. Everyone must have went home since it was starting to show. And Jihoon was no where to be found.

He did not just fool me like this...

Just as he was about to give up he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him. It was indeed Jihoon dressed really thin clothes compared to Junkyu. The smel of alcohol was still on him.

"My Kyu! Why did it take you so long?" He said still hugging Junkyu.

Well.. you could say that took poor Junkyu's brain a few seconds to register. But he had more things to worry about. "Why are you dressed in that in this freaking cold?" He said pointing at the thin sweater he was wearing.

"Kyu.. I wanna go home." He replied completely ignoring the question. Who knew what went on inside his mind.

"Alright then, I can take you to your house and then--"

"Not mine." He added, "anywhere but my house." Now this was getting on Junkyu's nerves. But it was reasonable though. Taking him there would just mean trouble for both Mr. and Mrs. Park. He knew how much they worry about Jihoon.




he next day Jihoon woke up feeling his whole body ache and his head aching like never before. It was his first time to be drinking that much afterall. But still way his whole body felt like it was crushed beneath an elephant's foot was too much no matter how hungover he was. He was about to turn around and sleep some more when his nose automatically caught the fragrance of a familiar smell.

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