Chapter Fourteen

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There are days where all I want to do is spend an entire day in the gym and break about twenty punching bags before moving on to the shooting range. Violence is never the answer but when it's just you against a bunch of equipment? It's always the correct answer. There are also days where all I want is peace, spending my morning at a coffee shop while reading a book that I pick up before walking out of the door and entertaining myself with the people milling around.

I've been awake for about forty minutes and the sun's only been up for twenty. Joaquin was still sound asleep beside me, one arm wrapped around my waist and the other placed underneath his left cheek as he faced me. As soon as everything was finalized yesterday and tasks were assigned on how to track more information about Crisanto and his connection to Morana, Joaquin dragged me to our floor while continuously telling me that I needed to sleep. Usually, I'd put up a small fight and say that I could be doing more productive things instead of sleeping but I didn't have it in me. My body wasn't tired but my mind and my emotions were completely drained with everything that's been happening the past few weeks.

When the clock mounted on the left wall showed that it was currently six o'five in the morning, I carefully lifted Joaquin's arm and got out of bed, placing a pillow where I previously laid down just like I always do. Grabbing my things, I made my way back to my room to take a shower which only took about five minutes of my time. I try not to spend so much time under the water because that'll mean I'll be left alone with my thoughts, nothing but me and the sound of everything that's going on in my head, all happening at the same time. Putting on a pair of gray lounge pants and a matching sweater, I grabbed my belongings (and of course another set of daggers that were now strapped to my waist) and the first book my fingers touched before leaving. My hand was just about to grasp the doorknob when it twisted and opened from the other end of the door, revealing Joaquin changed into new clothes.

"Why are you up?" I asked him, closing the door behind me. His hair was still all over the place and it was obvious that he had only gotten up a few minutes ago. Without answering me, he took a hold of my right hand and put on my ring which I had forgotten on his bedside table. His hand snaked up to my wrist, then my arm, then my shoulder, until his palm was cupping my cheek.

"I win this year." He smirked before leaning forward and connecting my lips with his. My eyes closed on instinct as I felt my body melt into his, every rational thought in my mind vanishing as I forgot about what he was pertaining to. His hand that was placed on my cheek snaked up to run through my hair and I felt a few droplets from my wet hair. My free hand formed a fist against his chest, the fabric being scrunched up by my fingers as Joaquin drew me closer.

It was a few minutes later when we pulled away, the both of us breathing hard and foreheads pressed against each other. "Win...what?" I asked, uncurling my fingers and letting my hand slide down to settle by his side. Joaquin didn't answer me and tipped my chin up with his thumb and index finger, eyes watching me as I thought about what he meant.

We didn't make a bet because that's his thing with Elias. All we had planned today was to investigate more about Eduardo and figure out a game plan for when the Anzani had found where they were gathering as of the moment. It was when my eyes moved to the phone I was holding that had lit up because of notification that I have always set up every year.


"Damn it." I cursed when I realized that it was the twentieth of October today. Joaquin chuckled, pulling me forward to place a kiss on my forehead before giving me a smile. "What's the score now?"

"Fifteen to fourteen. I'm leading." I rolled my eyes as he boasted about how he was winning. Funny enough, one of us always forgets that it's our anniversary because of how busy our lives are. We realized it on our third anniversary when the both of us forgot about it and agreed that the game would start the following year. Every year, we go out to eat breakfast at whatever cafe we've picked and would spend a few minutes at the church we got married in. The first few years we had to stay outside since the priest might see us and ask about our documents which we definitely don't have.

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