part - 12

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Oh shit wtf ( i whispered to jungkook )

Knock again.


Jungkook quickly stood up and went to my bathroom.

i opened the door just to see mom outside my room

"H-hey mom whatya doing?" I said akwardly.

What happened yn whats wrong with you why are you stuttering? Mom said

Aish it's just i m getting cramps from my periods that's why hehe i said.

Do you need anything? Mom said.

No no i don't need anything.

Okay so listen i m going to see my friends today I'll be late. Mom said

Okayy but wut about dad? I said

Um he's gonna directly come to my friends place after work and then we'll come together
(Mom said)

Okayy mom enjoyyy!!! I said.

Okay honey I'll see you soon bye! Mom said.

With that i locked my room.

I came to the bathroom looking for jungkook and was about to call out his name but before i could do so i felt a hand on my waist dragging me towards them.

It was jungkook he pinned me towards my bathroom door.

Oh shit i got scared kook! I said.

"You're scared of what? Me?" Jungkook said with a smirk

Aish not you ofc! I said and blushed as he was very close to me

He came closer to me and stared at my lips

I looked at his lips and bit my lips while blushing

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I looked at his lips and bit my lips while blushing

With that he smashed his lips on mine and we started kissing each other

He started to kiss my neck and give me hickeys all over my neck

He then found the soft spot making me moan loud.

Soon i backed off as i didn't wanna get horny becus i m on my periods

Kook it's enough for today i said and pecked him on his lips.

Hmph why? You don't like it? Jungkook said

Noo i m on my periods and i don't wanna do this right now or else-- you know what I mean right hehe i said without looking at him becus i was getting shy infront of him

Hahaha okayy but wont leave you next time he said and winked

Hahaha okayy but wont leave you next time he said and winked

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I hit his chest playfully and went out of the bathroom.

Jungkook you should go now it's almost late i said

Oh okayyyss will meet you in school

He kissed my lips last time

He was about to leave but i held his hand and said

Jungkook please don't tell anything to anyone..i said

Don't worry you trust me? Jungkook said

Yes ofcourse i doo! I said and kissed him

With that he left.

Jungkook pov -:

When i went down they all were playing games still so i decided to leave quietly.

"Yah jungkook-ah what are you doing here?"

Jungkook - oh fuck!

Heyy lovelies i hope you liked it pls stay tuned for the next part i love you all please keep supporting my ff.


BYEEEEEE!!! <333

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