Gift of the Nightfury Part 2

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Merry Christmas! Bet you guys are excited to open presents tomorrow but I'm excited to give y'all the rest of this story.

Back in the Barn

"I can't believe him." Fishlegs shocked as he looked at the empty barn with the other teens.

"YOU can't believe HIM?! YOU KIDNAPPED YOUR DRAGON!" Astrid clearly upset at him.

"And you also lost Arvid and Hiccup. If I never see Arvid again then you will never see your dragon again." Einar said grabbing his shirt and have intense eye contact with him.

"Oh, please don't hurt me. I just wanted to spend Snoggletog with Meatlug. And part of him wanted to stay too." Fishlegs said with near tears.

Tuffnut and Ruffnut notice something in Meatlug's nest.

"Hey, guys?" Tiffnut said shocked about what's in it.

"He flew away the second he was unleashed!" Astrid yelled at him.

"I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay--" Fishlegs began to say but was interrupted.

"GUYS!" Tuffnut irritated as they finally see what's in the nest.

"Whoa... Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks." Fishlegs said while looking at some light blue stones.

"You're such an idiot! Those aren't rocks, your dragon laid eggs!" Ruffnut called out Fishlegs as Einar and Astrid looked at the eggs.

"Hey, wait! I bet that's why the dragons left, to lay their eggs!" Astrid held up the egg as Einar inspected it.

"But, boy dragons don't lay eggs." Fishlegs was very confuse by this mystery.

"Yeah, your boy dragon is a girl dragon." Ruffnut said which made Fishlegs rather surprise.

"Okay, that actually explains a few things." Fishlegs thought back to multiple occasions.

"Hey! Everyone's missing their Dragons, right?" Astrid shot back up with the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh, here it comes." Snotlout not liking the future idea.

"I've got an idea! It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition! Oh, this is gonna be so good!" Astrid grabbed a ribbon and tied it around the egg.

"You know what Astrid. That doesn't seem like a bad idea. What's the worst that can happen." Einar thought before they set out on putting a bunch of the eggs in houses.


Hiccup is riding Meatlug over the ocean when Arvid is on the back.

"Whoa! Meatlug, where are you taking me?" Hiccup asked as Meatlug kept on dodging rock pillars and a ship. Meatlug then went over the clouds as they begin to see an island.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Arvid said as he looked over Hiccup's shoulder. They arrive at the island with hot springs, and thousands of nesting dragons. The two then see all the baby dragons.

"You guys come here to have babies!" Hiccup shock as he looked at a Deadly Nadder feed her dragon cups. "Whoa!"

"Hiccup, we are probably the first ever Vikings to see Dragons hatch." Arvid amaze as he looked for his notebook.

Hiccup watches a Gronckle nudge her eggs into a spring. The eggs hatch under the water. Little baby dragons crawl out of the spring to their mother. Arvid comes down and started to draw the certain Gronckle egg.

"Aww. Wow! Hey, look over here, you missed one. WHOA!" Hiccup walked towards an egg then it exploded, launching him back. Arvid runs up and a baby Gronckle comes out of the egg.

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