19. "I'm sorry, sir"

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'Biology is defined as the study of living organisms, their origins, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour, and distribution'. I think, I will remember these words for the rest of my life.

I've been standing here for God knows how long. I was definitely ready for the test, I was ready for a fucking since conference as I learned all this information about biology. My knees were hurting so bad, but I didn't dare say a word to him. As I stood there I decided that next time I won't argue with him, I'll just agree innocently smiling and do whatever I want anyway.

"Did you learn anything?" Harry's voice startled me a little bit, but I was so happy he said something, because that meant he's going to let me come out of the corner

"Yes, I learned everything for the test, now I'm ready, I promise" I said getting up and throwing the book on his bed.

"Did I allow you to get up?" He said sternly and I felt my heart skipped a beat.

"Uum... I mean, you started talking to me so I thought it was over and..." I stuttered, but he harshly interrupted me.

"Did-I-allow-you-to-get-up, Amelie?" He reported the question with a more intimidating tone.

"No sir" I answered right away this time. I knew better than to piss him off.

"Then get back in the position. On your knees, face the walls, hands behind your back. Fifteen more minutes" he ordered.

And I immediately followed. I was tired of standing there, but his demeanour, his dominant charisma, the way that he talked to me made me feel butterflies. I wasn't enjoying the punishment at all. I still thought it wasn't fair and if I was braver I would probably protest right now. But I liked when he took control.

"Okay, time's up, baby" he said and it made me smile "Tell me why you are being disciplined"

"Because I talked back and didn't want to study and I was being disrespectful... and I stood up when I wasn't allowed to" I answered making sure I didn't miss anything.

"Correct you are. You can get up now, come here" he said kindly.

I stood up, turned around and saw him with his hands opened wide. I jumped in his embrace. I missed it so much. His strong shoulders, his scent. He kissed my cheek hugging me by my waist.

"You could have just prepared for your test, but you had to make it difficult for both of us and got yourself a punishment, little rebel. Be aware, I won't go easy on you next time" he said smacking my butt with his hand and I definitely got the hint.

"I'm sorry, sir" I innocently whispered against his lips and kissed him.

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