Welp, thats not good

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This is by far the most cliche thing that has ever happened to me, and I live in a small town in the United States of America and I am what is known as a rebel, so that's saying something. 

"What's with the girl?" Some dude asks.

Oh wonderful, the stupid pigs have learned to see! It's not like I've been chilling on their couch for the past 2 hours or anything, cue eye roll. 

"She disrespected the boss so when he gets here she'll be taken care of." The dude grins and shoves his thumb in my direction, " This little punk bit me when I grabbed her."

"Well then sir, you shouldn't have grabbed me!" I smirk, yes I bit him, how do you think I knew the person had a salty hand?

I've been here for 2 hours so far and I need to get my kicks somewhere, I've had the best 2 hours in my life. 

"So when is Mr. Toad coming in for a visit? I'm starved and you don't have any good food around here." I smile.

I don't get a response, they stopped answering me a while ago, not that it affects my sarcasm. 

Knock, knock.

Great, that's exactly what I need, a new person to mess with.

The two toad-ets stand from their relaxed places on the torn couch to welcome whoever it is that is ruining my sarcasm streak. Mr. Toad walks into the room, wow that sounded like the start of a bad joke, without a word he comes over and sits way too close for comfort.

"See princess, I told you would regret your words." He smirks.

"Well, I don't regret anything yet Mr. Toad." Smiling, I shift so I'm facing him, but carfull move back a bit so there is some room between us.

"I'll make this clear princess, you are now mine, all rights reserved. You might think you have any power in this school, you're wrong, because you're the lowest of the low in my book, completely worthless." He grins and leans a bit closer to me until we are almost touching noses.

Oh no! Whatever shall I do? There is a big bad dude who is unaware of my personal space. Oh, I know! I'll punch him in his ugly pig-nosed face like a sensible human.

So that's what I do, and I instantly, well not so much regretted it but hey, it wasn't exactly fun being thrown into a closet and locked in there. Not a fan I say, not a fan.

So what do I do? Well, I make myself comfy and go to sleep. 

"Are you ready to listen, little girl?" The other guy asks me after he blinded me with the light from the outside world.

However, shall I play this? Oh, I know.

Faking a wonderful whimper I look up at him with cloudy eyes, god I'm amazing, "Please let me out, I hate the dark." I add a little voice crack at the end, for fun.

His face morphs into a smirk as Mr. Toads face comes into view, time to work the water.
Forcing myself to cry, and not cringe at the stupidity, I look away faking embarrassment.

"Come on princess, let's get you cleaned up." He smirks, grabs my arm, and pulls me to my feet.

I nod timidly and slowly follow him into a side room. The things we do for freedom, am I right?

 No? Ok. 

"Here doll, drink this."

 He hands me a glass of what I assume is water but as the burning liquid slides down my throat that notion is thrown out the window, this is liquor, great.

After a few minutes of silence, my eyelids get heavy and make their way down my eyes. No, he drugged me, god no.

The last thing I hear before darkness wraps itself around me is "Regret is a good thing princess, teaches you your place around here."

Then it's darkness.

"What are you doing out here?" Someone asks for far off "Hello? Hey girl, can you hear me?" They ask.

I can feel whoever it is that's speaking to me Carefully pick me up and take me somewhere, what's going on? Once they put me down a few dots connected in my head, it was Timmy.

My head is pounding but I force my eyes open and sit up painfully on the couch.

"What's going on? How did I get here?" I ask, or attempt to because my voice is like sandpaper.

"You're fine, just sit tight. You went missing yesterday, you should have heard the yelling from next door. They were all freaking out, your friends I mean." He frowns and looks me over, "Your bleeding." He states and makes a move toward my ribcage area.

Not on my watch, wiggling I struggle to get away from him, noticing my struggle he holds his hands up in surrender.

"What do you want me to do?" He frowns.

Thinking it over I do the only reasonable thing, I smile. "Window please," I flinch when I stand and make my way over to his locked window, " and please, not a word to anyone that I was here, it will be better for both of us."

Without a word he opens the window and helps me out, closing it behind me with a nod.

Crawling, I make my way to my window and into my room, god I missed it, still crawling I get onto my bed and close my eyes, not worried about the small pool of blood that is coming from the knife wound in my side. Sleep, that's all I need.

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