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The most tragic situation in life is when we have to deal with a tragedy that we never know it source. It will continue to harm or take us down but we will never know how to deal with it because it appears anonymous…
Austin quickly rushed to Ahmad who was lying on the floor. He has obviously fainted as he was breathing very slowly. He called out on Amir and Sarah but none of them were available so he has to pick up Ahmad and rushed him to the hospital. Austin is very worried as he sat in the reception waiting for the doctors to finish attending to Ahmad.
“You cannot die on us Ahmad. Not now please.” He kept on saying in his mind. He is not afraid of losing another friend at the moment; he is just scared that another soul will be lost because of their initial mistake. He is sure Ahmad over drugged himself because he is worried and scared of the situation. He was still sitting at the reception with his head locked in his palms when Sarah rushed into the hospital after receiving Austin’s call.
“What has happened to Ahmad? Where is he at the moment?” Sarah asked also looking worried. Austin sighed as he pointed at the emergency ward with a stressed face. “The doctors are still attending to him. Guess he over drugged himself.” Austin replied. Sarah sighed deeply as she took a seat beside Austin. “I am seriously exhausted Austin. This whole situation is draining my sanity.” She complained as she leaned on his shoulder.
Austin giggled a little with a tone of regret. “You see sometimes, I just wish things didn’t happen this way. I just wished we didn’t attend that pool party. Maybe Jane would have still been alive. May be we wouldn’t have to frame and lose Isaac. Maybe our lives wouldn’t be this stressed, just maybe we would have been living a happy life now.” He said as a drop of tear landed on his face.
Sarah sighed deeply a she also wiped the tears on her face. “I just wish Austin. I just wish things happened the other way round. We would have been living peacefully by now.” She said looking worried. They were still sitting and regretting their horrible past when Amir rushed in and with Steve behind him. “What is going on guys? Where is Ahmad?” Amir asked curiously.
Austin stared at Steve for a while before he returned his gaze on Amir with a curious face. They were all staring at each other when Amir giggled a little. “Oh, my bad. This is my friend; Steve. He is a police officer.” Amir said pointing at Steve as he faced him. Austin was shocked hearing Steve’s occupation. “And Steve, these are my…” Amir was still talking when Austin quickly cuts in. “Flat mates. We are flat mates.” He said with a fake smile as he quickly holds Amir’s hands and dragged him out.
“How dare you Amir? How would you allow yourself get involved with a law personnel at this critical situation we are? How can you be so nonchalant? Are you that desperate to sleep with men?” Austin asked bitterly as he pushed Amir away. Amir hissed as he also pushed back Austin. “You have no right to question who I go out with Austin. This is my life and you have no say in it. Remember you just made it clear that we are not friends anymore. Then don’t try meddling in my life.” Amir replied bitterly.
He moved closer and continued talking. “I know you hate my identity all these while but you are just pretending to be my friend for the sake of the group. You don’t have to pretend anymore, you can be as homophobic as you want but you have no right to question my decision or what I do with my life, you are nothing but a narrow minded illiterate womanizer.” Amir added looking angry.
Austin hissed as he moved closer to Amir. “Of course we are not friends anymore and I hate who you are. Yes, I am homophobic; I hate your sick mind for being gay. And if you think I care about your life then you are mistaken. I am just afraid that you will engage us into more trouble because you are not to be trusted Amir, you good for nothing faggot” Austin said with an angry face. Amir also hissed at him as he turned to walk away but he turned and faced Austin.
“Well, you can be rest assured old friend. And about Steve, I know how to handle him.” He said as he walked back to the reception where Steve and Sarah were sitting. The doctors came out after a while and assured them that Ahmad’s condition was stabilized. They are allowed to see him after he has gotten some rest for few hours.
Ahmad was lying on the hospital bed when Austin and Sarah walked in slowly. They met him with his eyes fixed on the ceiling as he was shedding tears. Austin exhaled deeply as he stood by his head. “Thank God you are still alive. What the hell were you thinking? Do you want to put us into more trouble? Do you want to get us all fucked? Do you think you are the only one going through this?” Austin asked furiously staring at Ahmad who was still crying.
Sarah quickly holds Austin’s hands. “Come on Austin, at least you should allow him recover.” She said with a worried face. Austin pushed her hands as he continued yelling. “I wonder why you are suddenly being soft and tender, acting all worried and afraid when in the real world, this is happening because of you, we all know that things wouldn’t turn out this way if you didn’t leak out drugs nonchalantly.” Austin yelled.
He took a deep breath before he continued talking. “Or do you all think that your scandal got worse than mine? My marriage got called off, my family members are going against me, my business is running down and my fiancée broke up with me. Don’t you think I should have committed suicide?” Austin asked again staring at Ahmad who was still lying on the bed.
Ahmad sighed deeply as he adjusted himself slowly. “Do you all think that it’s probably Jane and Isaac’s ghosts that are punishing us? Do you guys think that they are taking a revenge on us?” Ahmad asked as fresh tears landed on his face. They stared at him curiously as he slowly picked his phone and showed them some pictures he received. Austin and Sarah were shocked as they saw the pictures on Ahmad’s screen. They are the pictures of his step mother who was also his molester.
Ahmad grew up with his step mother when his mother passed away at his young age, as a child, his father was a business man and was always on business trips. His step mother will always lock and beat him up. Exposing him to sexual harassment and other forms of molestation, this includes threatening him with death. Ahmad developed a psychological problem from that trauma and that was why he became addicted to drugs.
Whenever he remembered those horrible incidences, he found comfort in drugging himself. Unfortunately he was psychologically depressed the day he received those pictures from the anonymous user so he over drugged himself which led him to passing out.
Ahmad continued crying as Sarah quickly hugged him tightly. “It is fine Ahmad. I am sure everything will be alright, I am sure we will scale through all these.” She said trying to comfort him. Austin felt really bad for Ahmad at the moment, indeed he is going through a huge psychological trauma. They sat with him in the hospital for a while before he was being discharged and they drove home…
Amir who was lying on the bed together with Steve quickly stood up and began dressing up. Steve quickly sat up and faced him. “It is late already. I thought you will be spending the night over.” He said looking at Amir who was adjusting his clothes. “I can’t sleep out; my friends will be worried because I didn’t inform them, besides I need to check on Ahmad.” Amir replied as he picked his car key.
“But you can do all that tomorrow morning, your friend is discharged also. I think you should stay over and spend more time together.” Steve said as he crawled up to Amir. Amir sighed deeply and faced him. “I already made it clear to you Steve. This shouldn’t be happening between us. I am not ready for any commitment and I don’t want you to feel like I am obligated to be committed. My life is messed at the moment and commitment is the last thing I will opt for.” Amir said with a serious face.
Steve walked down and stood in front of him and grabbed his hands. “I don’t know you might have gone through or what you are currently facing Amir. I just want you to know that I am willing to hold your hands and walk through it all together with you, even if not as a partner, I will be happy to do it as someone you will notice and give a chance one day.” Steve said with his eyes fixed on Amir’s.
Amir sighed deeply as he stared at Steve for a while. “You see Steve, I am not the good person you think I am. I am not the perfect definition of a partner you want. I am a bad person Steve. I have flaws and a horrible past. I don’t want you to get involved with me and you will later realize my horrible side and you will feel betrayed. I don’t want to be strangled in guilt upon the one I am currently trapped in.” Amir said as he slowly pushed him away and began walking.
Steve quickly held him back. “I beg of you Amir, even if it’s nothing much. Let’s continue this as friends with benefits.” He pleaded looking pitiful. Amir sighed again and kept quiet for a while as he nodded his head with a smile. He is aware that this will be another grievous mistake. Getting involved with law personnel shouldn’t be his call but how would he handle it when Steve is already hooked with him…
The following morning was a Saturday, Daniel wake up so early hoping to surprise Kelvin with breakfast. He managed to arrange something simple. He has been practicing for a while hoping to make it perfect. He was frying some eggs when a thought stroke his mind. He actually didn’t know how to go about his feelings for Kelvin. He doesn’t know why his heart is feeling that way towards him. He knows kelvin will never accept him because he regards him as a brother even though he was an adopted child.
He was still thinking when he heard movement behind him. “Good morning Dan.” Kelvin greeted as he walked towards the cooking station with a revealing smile. Daniel smiled at him as he at pointed the dining table. “Take a seat shorty; I have a surprise for you.” He said with a smile as he began arranging the food flasks on the dining table.
Kelvin was sitting with a smile as he watches Daniel try so hard to make everything looks perfect. “I hope you enjoy it, I have tried my possible best to make this.” Daniel said as he dishes the noodles for Kelvin. He stared at the almost burnt egg for a while before he giggled. “Are you sure these are eatable?” He teased with a smile as he started eating the food.
Daniel was surprised that Kelvin didn’t complain about the food. Normally he will surely complain because he knows him to be very cautious with food. “Aren’t you complaining yet?” Daniel asked surprisingly. Kelvin smiled a little. “Why should I? The food tastes good, and besides I don’t think I can make something like this myself.” Kelvin said looking at him.
Daniel was curious for a while. “Come on Kelvin, we all know that you are a pro when it comes to cooking, are you just teasing me?” He asked with a suspicious look. Kelvin giggled with a fake smile. That was when he remembered that the real kelvin was a good chef according to Susan.
“Of course I am teasing you. But I don’t want to make you feel bad. You tried your best to cook this for me so I have to show my appreciation by faking to enjoy it even though it will make me sick.” Kelvin said and they all laughed. They continued eating and having fun before Kelvin talked.
“I will be hanging out later with Sarah from the company, there are a few things I need her to guide me through.” He said looking at Daniel who frown his face. “I thought we agreed on an all indoor weekend with work excluded? Why are you bringing in work now?” He asked with a frown face. Kelvin laughed a little. “Well, I have to work for you anyways, so I want to know the basis of what I should be doing.” He said as he picked up his phone that was ringing.
It was Sarah on the phone, sharing him the location for their meeting. “I will go with you then.” Daniel said staring at him. Kelvin laughed again. “It is a business meeting for God sake Dan; you don’t have to follow me around.” Kelvin said looking at him. Daniel adjusted himself. “Well, I am not following you. I am just worried that you are not conversant with the streets of Lagos so I want to show you around.” Just go get ready on time and don’t keep the poor girl waiting. He said as he also stood up and head to the room.
Kelvin giggled knowing fully that Daniel is acting insecure. “You don’t have to worry Daniel, there will be nothing regarding business there, I just want to get a feedback from the messages I sent to the gang through Ahmad. I am sure the paranoid Ahmad has already drugged himself by now.” Kelvin said with a smirk on his face as he also walked away to get ready.
Daniel drove Kelvin to the park he is to meet Sarah and drove away, he will surely come to pick him when their meeting is over. Kelvin waited for a while before Sarah arrived, she was looking stressed as usual. She hurriedly came to Kelvin and apologized for arriving late before they kick start their meeting.
To be very honest, Kelvin wasn’t interested in the business meeting; he just wanted a medium to talk to Sarah and get to extort information from her. But then, he must confess that he pitied the girl just by seeing her current situation. The fact that she is trying so hard to hide the struggle is another thing. She looks so unkempt and startled, as if she is being chased by some ghost. But then also, he wouldn’t allow sympathy takes control of him at the moment.
Kelvin slowly closed the system on his laps and faced Sarah. “Are you alright Sarah? You are looking strange since when I joined this company. I read through your profile and some information from Daniel and I must say that there is a huge difference from the person I am talking to right now. You look very tensed and startled. You can always talk to me dear.” Kelvin asked trying to fake an emotion.
Sarah who was quite for a while started crying immediately. “I can’t take it anymore Kelvin, the pretense is exhausting.” Sarah complained as she continued crying. She cried for a while and Kelvin comforted her before she adjusted herself and wiped off her face. “What has happened Sarah? What are you tired of?” Kelvin asked looking at her.
She was quiet for a while and hesitated talking at first before she sighed deeply and faced him. “You see, my life and my friends are being haunted. The situation is scary because we don’t even know where it is all coming from. And the scariest part is that we can’t report this to the police because it is relating to a great secret. I am seriously tired of putting up with the situation. It is draining me and making me depressed.” Sarah complained with a worried voice as Kelvin comforted her.
Kelvin sighed slowly as he moved closer. “What secret are you talking about Sarah?” He asked looking at her. She stared back at him for a while before she nodded her head. “I’d rather not say Kelvin, but it is seriously affecting my mental health and my friends as well. I just hope things didn’t turn out the way they did.” She said with a regretting tune.
Kelvin stared at Sarah as she continued shedding tears slowly, at this point, he begins to think deeply about the genesis of Jane’s death and why they decided to frame him. He knows for sure it is time to level up his game in trying to find the culprit and making his friends talk. He is sure that this will affect their mental health as she talked but that is his only way out and he has to do it. IT IS ALL FOR LOVE…

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