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Love is an interesting game, we will be playing it all along with our personal intentions in our minds, and before we could realize it, we will get swift away to another phase of it. We might begin a love story with a mere intention of having fun, but at the end, its either we get that extreme fun or end up being broken and shattered…
Kelvin quickly removed his lips from Dan’s own as he stared at Dan for a while. He rushed into the restroom immediately and banged the door behind him. He stood and leaned on the door with his heart throbbing so fast. “That was so close, I was almost caught.” Kelvin said to himself as he was standing in the restroom.
He slowly picked the flash from his pocket and stared at it for a while. “This will set me free from all these. I will have my full time to concentrate on Jane’s death after handing this file to Mr. Emmanuel.” He said to himself again as he place the flash back in his pocket. He was still standing in the restroom when he heard Daniel knocking on the door. “Are you alright shorty? You better come out here and finish what you have started.” Daniel teased.
Kelvin giggled and smiled without saying a word. He couldn’t walk out of the rest room because he doesn’t want to face Daniel after kissing him. He stayed in there for long while Daniel stood waiting for him. After a quiet while of waiting, Daniel sighed deeply and banged on the door again. “Okay shorty, you have been in there for a while, I will go get you lunch then. Make sure you are out before I return.” He said as he walked out of the office.
Kelvin opened the door slowly as he peeped and made sure Daniel has left. He quickly picked his phone and walked out of the office. “I am sorry Dan; that was not supposed to happen.” He said as he picked his car key and quickly drove out of the company. He headed home direct because he is determined to handle the files to Mr. Emmanuel and set himself free.
On reaching home, he is surprised to see a strange car parked in the premises. “Well they might be visitors.” He said to himself as he walks up straight to the house. He was about opening the door when he heard some strange voices in the room. He slowly moved back and eves dropped at the conversation.
“How sure are you that the boy will leave completely after your deal is sealed? You need to do something Emmanuel.” A man said from the room. Mr. Emmanuel giggled. “Oh, come on Mr. Patrick. We already have everything planned. I will make sure I take care of him; I won’t have him ruin our plans. Let’s just hope he get the files of the company and also gets the inheritance as promised; then I will have him killed for real.” Mr. Emmanuel said.
Mr. Patrick sighed. “We don’t have to wait for the inheritance. Those files are enough to sell off the shares of the company. We will strike to action and frame Daniel of embezzlement immediately and everything will be ours from them.” He said and they all laughed.
Kelvin was shocked as he heard the evil plans of Mr. Emmanuel. He slowly tiptoed and walked back to his car as he drove out of the house. His brain was shaking and his head was seriously turning. He didn’t even know what to do or who to trust at this point. This world is full of evil; you will think that people are trying to help you out not knowing that they are only interested in using you for their benefits.
Kelvin drove to a nearby garden and took a seat by a small pond. That was when he realizes how wicked he would have been if he had handed that flash to Mr. Emmanuel. He would have never forgiven himself if he treated Daniel that way after all he has done to him.
Kelvin sighed deeply as he stared at the beautiful scenery of nature. He wonders how he ended up here, how this life gets this complicated. He missed the good olden days where all he does was to be happy and live a good life. He missed his old self; he missed his friendships and relationships. He just wishes he could get back into time and fix everything.
He slowly stood up and head back to his car and drove to a nearby shopping mall. He bought a lot of children clothes, foods and snacks and reading materials also as he stocked them in his car and drove to his orphanage. He parked at the gate and stared at the building for a while. It has been years and everything has changed.
He sighed deeply as he slowly opened the car and brought out the goodies he brought. Lots of beautiful and adorable kids rushed to him and hugged him. They were as lovely as they played with him even though he was a stranger to them. He played with the kids for a while before he headed to the Father’s office.
As usual, the old man was sitting on his chair with a smile on his face. He missed the olden days that he will simply run to the old man’s laps and hugged him regardless of how grown up he became.
Kelvin greeted the old man and introduced himself as Isaac’s friend. Father sighed as tears dropped on his face. He slowly raised his face to a large portrait of Isaac placed on the wall. “What a painful ending was it for my boy?” The old man said as he cried. He lamented how Isaac was brutally sentenced.
“I am sure my boy didn’t do it. I am sure he would never rape and kill Jane who is his best friend. I know he developed heart failure because of the trauma he finds himself.” Father said while crying. Kelvin quickly hugged the old man. H wished he could tell him that he is his beloved boy but he couldn’t.
Kelvin couldn’t hold back his tears but to cry alongside the old man. He asked for Isaac’s grave and he was taken to the place. He stood by the grave knowing fully it was an empty thumb, but at least, it entails the memories of his past life. He stood by the grave wishing he should have just died; all these sufferings wouldn’t have been happening to him.
He sighed deeply again as he walk back to his car and sit for a while. He closed his eyes trying to fix his life that is getting shattered. He will definitely need to form another strategy since Mr. Emmanuel is not to be trusted anymore. He stared at the flash for a while. “I will keep this to myself and far away from Mr. Emmanuel. I will have to earn Dan’s trust to form a protection for myself against Mr. Emmanuel. I will have to protect him even if that means getting closer to him.” He said to himself as he drives out.
Kelvin was on his way back home when he received a call from Sarah. He quickly answered the call knowing it must be something related to his friends. “Hey Kelvin. Do you mind having dinner at my place? My friends will be home tonight and I will like to introduce you.” She said on the call. He quickly accepted the offer. “Okay then, I will send you the address and will be expecting you by 8pm.” Sarah said as she hanged up the call.
Kelvin drove home quickly to get changed, he met the house so quiet, seems like Mr. Emmanuel and Susan aren’t home. He went straight to his apartment and met Daniel waiting in the living room. He was startled at first because he wasn’t expecting him. Daniel walked to him and stood in front of him. “Where have you been all day shorty? How can you leave just like that? You made me totally worried and you were not even answering my calls.” Dan complained.
Kelvin took a deep breath. He is already in a dilemma with how closer Daniel is standing up to him. “I am sorry Dan; I had to rush to an emergency.” He said as he bypassed him and walked to the wardrobe. He slowly opened it and starts checking what to wear to Sarah’s dinner invitation. He wasn’t giving Daniel attention at all and that made him angry.
Daniel quickly walked to the wardrobe and bang it closed. “What has happened to you Kelvin. Why are you acting strange? The last minute you were romantic and now you are acting as if nothing happened? Why did you initiate that if you knew you couldn’t take it?” He asked furiously.
Kelvin is seriously looking confused at this point. He doesn’t know how to categorize what he feels towards Daniel, he is sure that is not love but his heart always beats faster whenever he is around Dan.
He sighed deeply as he faced Daniel. “I am sorry Dan, I didn’t mean to provoke you. You see I don’t know what came over me. I don’t know why I did what I did earlier. I lost courage to face you after I have already kissed you.” He said with an honest worried face.
Dan took a deep breath and moved closer to Kelvin. “You don’t have to worry about anything shorty, I promise you that you will never regret this. I have been waiting for this day for a long time and I will do anything to keep this happiness to myself.” Dan said as he stared at Kelvin.
He slowly grabbed his hands and kissed them gently. “You don’t have to do much Kelvin. You opening up to me is already enough. Just sit back and watch how I fill your life with happiness.” He added as he slowly places a kiss on Kelvin’s lips.
Kelvin chuckled a bit. His heart was still racing unstoppably. He knows that his heart isn’t ready for all these so he has to control it at least. He adjusted himself a bit as he faced Dan. “What do you mean by being happy Dan?” He asked looking at him.
Daniel moved closer enough and grabbed his face; he placed a kiss again on his lips. “This is happiness Kelvin.” He said as he wrapped his hands around Kelvin’s waist and hugged him tightly. “Having you this closer to me is also happiness.” He added again. He moved his hands behind Kelvin and grabbed his back side but Kelvin quickly stopped him.
“About this part of happiness, can we take it slowly? I don’t know if I am ready for that yet.” He said looking into his eyes. Daniel smiled at him for a while. “I am willing to wait till you are ready shorty.” He said as he grabbed his face and kissed him again.
Kelvin slowly pushed him away. “Oh please Daniel, it’s just the first day of being together but you are already getting my lips swollen up with bunch of kisses.” Kelvin said sarcastically. Daniel laughed a little. “Did you just say we are together?” He asked and Kelvin blushed. “Can you say that again?” Daniel asked holding Kelvin’s hands.
He slowly pushed them as he opened the wardrobe again. “Oh please Daniel, I am getting late for my dinner hangout, Sarah is expecting me by 8pm. He said as he walked to the bathroom.” Daniel frown his face. “Sarah again? Why are you guys spending much time together?” He asked looking angry.
“Stop being unnecessarily jealous Daniel, who will dare hit on me with how possessive you are. We are just hanging out and that’s all.” Kelvin replied while in the bathroom. Daniel insisted on taking him to the place and picking him after the hangout. Kelvin has no choice but to allow him do that because he knows how pestering Daniel can be…
Kelvin slowly walked into the house as Sarah welcomed him. The whole place looked new to him. It has been years he entered the house and he must admit he have missed how cozy and confortable the place used to be. That house was their comfort zone, where they shared a lot of amazing memories. He couldn’t forget how beautiful their life was when they were all living together.
Memories of the past stroke his brain as he stepped his legs into the house. All he could see was the memories of their college days, their happiest moments together and how peaceful it used to be. He walked slowly behind Sarah as they entered the living room. Austin and Ahmad were sitting in there already.
Tears almost dropped on his face as he sees Ahmad’s condition. A single look at him will certify that he is going through a lot. But anyways, guess that’s his part of the punishment. He faked a smile as he greeted them. They smiled back at him and offered him a seat. Ahmad stared at Kelvin for a while and that made him uncomfortable.
“You face looks familiar.” Ahmad said staring at him. Kelvin smiled a little. “May be we met sometimes ago, but I am not sure.” He said briefly. They were talking when Amir walked out of his room. He slowly walked over and greeted Kelvin while he answered with a fake smile. They sat for a while; while Sarah was preparing dinner in the kitchen.
“Do you mind to play a game?” Ahmad asked as he slowly brought out the chess board beside him. Kelvin was excited because finally, he found something that will trigger their memory. He is really an expert when it comes to board games especially chess, because growing up in the orphanage back then; those are the only games they have available so he is a pro
He started playing with Ahmad and showing off his exceptional skills. Ahmad is also a pro at chess but he is confused when playing with Kelvin. The tricks are just magical and rare. He could remember only one person that has those tricking movements. Ahmad was shocked as he quickly moved back; he stared at Kelvin when he captured his king. Kelvin was acting ignorant and nonchalant as he jubilated.
Austin and Amir who were also watching the game couldn’t close their mouth. Their minds were taken back into time. “You played exactly like Isaac; that was the same way he captures my king every time we played and he defeated me easily.” Ahmad said looking at Kelvin. Kelvin smiled a little.
“Well, I think he must be a great player, can I meet him so we can play?” He asked with a smile. Ahmad was about talking when Amir quickly chipped in. “I think we should move to the dining, Sarah is done cooking already.” He said as he stood up and Austin also followed him. The two guys were still trying to digest their curiosity about Kelvin when he played another prank on them.
Sarah offered him some chicken but he bluntly refused them. “I am allergic to chicken Sarah. The last time I ate chicken on my birthday, I nearly lost my life, I can never forget that day, 15-July-2015” Kelvin said as he dished himself some rice. She was also shocked as Austin and Amir. Apart from his behaviors looking like Isaac’s, he is also having same preferences as him. This isn’t just a mere coincidence.
Amir stared at Kelvin for a while, at this point, he is already freaked out as he started sweating profusely. That was the day Jane was murdered and the day they sent Isaac to the prison. They started looking at each other suspiciously and Kelvin noticed it, at least he is happy, he got to trigger their fear.
His phone started ringing immediately and he answered it. It was Daniel and he is picking him up already. He slowly stood up and thanked them for the wonderful dinner as he walked out majestically. He smiled at himself as he reached the door. “This is just the beginning guys.” He said to himself as he walked out…
Amir took a deep breath as he faced Sarah. “Who the fuck is that guy Sarah? Is he some sort of ghost or something?” Austin yelled looking at her. She was also looking curious because she has never seen this side of Kelvin. “Answer me bitch, where did you know him from? Why are you dragging him closer to us?” Amir shouted
He giggled again as he moved closer. “Do you think this friendship still matters that you are trying to bring other parties in to it? Open your eyes and face the reality Sarah, we are not friends anymore. We lost that title since the day we sent Isaac to prison. So stop being desperate and dragging more people into this mess.” He yelled looking at her as she sits dumbly on the dinning seat.
Sarah stood up and pushed Amir who was standing beside her. “You are the one being desperate Amir, and it is you who sent Isaac to prison. You are the devil here Amir. You always have dirty secrets. And do you think I don’t know who Steve is? You also know he is Jane’s cousin but you continued seeing him because of your selfish interest. Who knows what the hell you are planning again?” Sarah yelled back.
Amir was dumb because he was taken unaware. He was about defending himself when Austin slapped him really hard. “How can you be so dumb Amir? Isn’t it enough that you dragged our lives into this mess? Now you are going out with a police officer who is also Jane’s cousin? What do you have in mind Amir? Are you honestly willing to finish our lives?” Austin yelled as he holds Amir’s neck.
He was still yelling at Amir when Ahmad’s phone beeped. He slowly picked it up in fear as he opened the video that was sent to him. It is Claire’s picture with a caption “Hello drug dealer…”
Ahmad screamed and throws away the phone as he fainted immediately. They quickly rushed to him and took him to the hospital. Austin who picked the phone and saw the message was restless as he heads to Claire’s house…

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