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Secrets are like flowers, no matter how we try to hide them; they will surely bloom and attract everyone passing by them. We can conceal secrets within us for as long as we want, but when the hatching period come, they break off their shells easily and crawl out to the world…
Austin left the hospital immediately when Ahmad is taken to the emergency room. He drove his car with high speed to Claire’s house. Luckily, he met her car in the compound which signifies her being around. He parked his car immediately and entered into the house. To his greatest surprise, he met Claire with a man kissing and smooching each other.
He chuckled a bit as he stood looking surprised. Claire and the guy got startled at his presence. She quickly adjusted the sleeve off her gown which was revealing her chest as she stood up and walked to Austin. “Hello Austin.” She greeted with a smile. His face was frowned already as he stared at the man sitting on the couch and adjusting the buttons of his shirt.
“Who is that man Claire?” He asked pointing at the man who walked up to them. He hugged and kissed Claire as he whispered in her ear and walked out of the house. Claire smiled as she watched the guy walked out of the house. “That’s my boyfriend.” She said briefly as she walked back to the couch and picked a glass of juice. “Do you care for one?” She asked Austin, referring to the orange juice.
Austin hissed as he moved closer to her angrily. “I thought you were seeing only me all these while Claire?” He asked panting so hard. Claire giggled a bit as she slowly sits and crossed her legs. “As per what? Don’t get too excited of yourself Austin; we were just fuck buddies and nothing more. We made it clear from the beginning that there won’t be any string attached to this.” She said staring into the television.
Austin took a deep breath and giggled a bit. “Oh, that’s it.” He sighed again and moved a bit closer. “Why did you do that Claire? I thought we agreed that you will not start any trouble? What are you trying to do?” He asked with fear boldly on his face.
Claire swings the glass cup on her hands as she continued staring into the television. “Oh come on dear Austin. You must be stupid if you believed that I will forgive you guys for what you did. Have you forgotten? It would have taken you just a ‘NO’ to set me free. It wouldn’t affect you in any way to get me free but what did you guys do? You all watched me got rusticated out of the university at my final year. Just take a look at me Austin; I am still hanged in there.” Claire said with a fiery face.
Austin was quiet for a while as he listened to Claire laments her heart. “Why do you chose to use me then? You made me trusted you and told you a lot but you deceived me.” Austin said looking at her. Claire smiled wickedly as she sipped the drink. “You see; life is like a battle Austin. It is a battle for survival. In this battle, you are allowed to use anything and anyone as a shield, be it friendship or relationship. It wouldn’t matter if you have to betray your loved ones, all that matters is survival. And you were such a wonderful shield Austin” She said with a smile on her face.
Austin sighed deeply as tears falls on his face. “But why does it have to be Ahmad? You know about what he is going through. He is not ready for the entire trauma. He is facing enough already Claire. Can you just hang on with this revenge for a while? We are already having enough on our plates.” He pleaded looking at her.
Claire laughed a little as she faces Austin. “Are you guys already tired when the game had just began? Ahmad just got a part of his share just as you all will have one and like Jane has hers.” She said looking at Austin who became more shocked at her statement. He moved back immediately as he almost fell.
“Was it you Claire? Don’t tell me you murdered Jane? Don’t tell me you have been the anonymous individual disturbing us with scandals trying to ruin our lives.” Austin asked curiously. Claire laughed a little again as she slowly stood up.
“I am not that soft to just kill you guys Austin. My punishment is a life sentence of living in agony and suspense. My punishment will make you take your own soul with your bare hands. I didn’t murder Jane. It was just so bad that she died before experiencing my punishment.” She said with a smile on her face. Austin was already sweating profusely at this point. He slowly took a seat because his body was already shaking in fear.
This is the moment he realized how fool he was to have trusted Claire in the first place. He slowly picked his phone and walked away. He has reached the door when Claire called him back. She slowly picked a remote control from the table and switched the television as she pointed at the screen.
“I am sure you wouldn’t let your friends knows that you have been sleeping with their enemy all these while right?” She said as she stared at him. He quickly took his gaze to the television as the images started appearing slowly. It was a sex tape, his sex tape with Claire. He almost fell down as he saw the video clearly showing his face. He continued sweating as if water is being poured all over his body.
This is not proper. This shouldn’t be happening to him. He is sure that Sarah and Amir will definitely kill him if they find out about this. He is sure that they will never accept his pleas when they see this video. He slowly faced Claire with tears on his face as she walked up to him majestically. She placed her hands on his neck and slowly wiped off his face.
“Oh come on dear Austin, this is totally nothing. You don’t have to panic.” She said as she slowly kissed him. He quickly pushed her back and wiped his face. “What do you want Claire?” He asked looking at her.  She smiled again as she moved more closely to him.  “You don’t have to do much dear, it will not take much of you.” She said looking at him as she pinned her chest with his.
She sniffed his chest a little as she smiled and continued talking. “You know I never get to graduate from school, I never had the chance to be rich and successful like you guys. I am really struggling in here Austin. I think it is time for me to take a rest and enjoy.” She said looking at him. He pushed her again and frown his face. “Just fucking tell me what you want Claire. The suspense is killing me.” He said looking at her.
She smiled again and giggled a bit. “We all know how rich Amir’s family are, we all know what his family possesses. What do you think if I have a little fortune from them? Just his father’s construction company here in Lagos will be okay. The company is very productive in the labor market and has a lot of rivals who are willing to pay huge for just a scandal of the company’s downfall. If I can lay my hands on his personal computer, then I am good.” She said with a serious face as Austin started nodding his head. She moved closer again and holds his hand.
“You won’t be doing this for free Austin. Remember you still have to hide our relationship. If you can do this for me, I promise to keep it a secret.” She said looking at him. Austin is totally confused at this point. He stared at Claire for a while and all he could see was devil in human form, he knows how good Claire was with hacking of soft wares back in school and he surely know that she will cause Amir a huge loss. “You will rot in hell Claire.” He said as tears continued scrolling on his face. “And I will rot in there with you Austin.” She shouted at him as he walked out of the apartment.
Austin drove back to the hospital with his heart beating so fast. He is already panicked. He is sure Claire is up to more evil by asking for Amir’s personal laptop. “What if she sold his company’s secret? What if Amir finds out he helped her?” He asked himself as he drives. “What if he refuses to help her and she spilled the bean to them?” He asked himself again. This is the most critical moment for him. Even though he hates Amir at this point, he wouldn’t want Claire to lay her hands on his personal life.
Austin walked into the hospital with a stressed face. He was looking so tensed and tired as he met Amir and Sarah. Sarah’s eyes were swollen indicating she has been crying for a while. She quickly rushed to him and hugged him tightly as she continued crying calling Ahmad’s name. “What happened to Ahmad? Has he died? ” Austin asked looking so afraid.
Amir wiped the drops of tears on his face as he walked closer to Austin. He sighed deeply as he faced Austin. “Ahmad’s condition has got worse Austin, the doctors decided to keep him under psychiatric control for a month. He will be isolated because his brain is prone to psychological problem at the moment. He can lose his sanity if he continues encountering this shocks and traumas.” Amir explained looking so pitiful.
They all kept quiet as they drove back home. Sarah sighed deeply as she cleaned her face and folded her arms. “So it has been Claire all these while? That bitch has been the person torturing our lives all these while? She must have probably come back for revenge from what happened back then in school.” Sarah said looking at them.
Amir took a deep breath as he stood up and scrolled around the room for a while. “This is getting really confusing guys. I don’t think it has been Claire right from the beginning. Think about it, all the previous scandals we have been receiving were confidential secrets between us; and if it was Claire, she wouldn’t have introduced herself. I think we are dealing with two enemies.” Amir said with a straight face.
They stared at him as he continued talking. “I think we need to do our possible best to fish out Claire since we already got her. I will have some of my father’s men track her down for us. But for now, we need to lay low and do things quietly.” He said looking at them.
Austin’s heart is continuously racing at this moment. He is sure that this will be a disaster. Claire is smart enough to disguise herself and have her way and he would definitely not allow her spill him out to his friends, his only way out is to do as Claire ordered him. At least, he is trying to survive in this race. It is indeed all for survival and it is ALL FOR LOVE…
It is a beautiful Sunday evening. Kelvin was lying on Daniel’s laps while Daniel was sitting on a couch. They were watching a movie together in Dan’s apartment. Kelvin giggled and smiled. “See, told you I already sensed that coming, it will never be a happy ending for them.” Kelvin said staring at Dan’s face that was looking pitiful.
Dan sighed lightly. “I just wished they ended together, maybe there should be a sequel to the story. Probably after a few years when the guy settled and finally forgives the girl; I really wished they ended together.” He said looking so concerned.
Kelvin quickly sits up. “Come on Dan. This is very realistic. The girl bluntly cheated on him and broke their promise. I don’t think she deserve another chance.” He said looking at Dan. Dan sighed deeply and faced Kelvin. “Cheating shouldn’t be a ground of ending relationships Kelvin, beside he was also at fault, he lied to her for a very long time and I am sure she feel cheated also. I see his fault more to this than hers.” Dan argued.
Kelvin chuckled a little. “Are you saying that you will forgive a cheating partner over a lying partner?” He asked with a serious face. Dan was quiet for a while. “You see, cheating is something that we do base on pleasures that we cannot control, but lying; we can surely control that. We have all the chance to say the truth but we will decide to lie. I will consider a cheating partner than a partner that will lie to me.”  Dan said with a straight face.
He adjusted himself as he continued talking. “You see, cheating is just sex, but lying is breaking the trust and bond. And immediately when those two are broken, the relationship becomes a prison. Lying is betrayal Kelvin and betrayers are not to be forgiven.” Dan added.
Kelvin stared at Dan for a while. His words pierced him as if he was referring to him. For the first time, he felt he has been betraying Daniel. This is the first time he has felt bad for living this life. He doesn’t even know why he felt so concerned about betraying Dan, maybe because he has been getting acquainted to him these days and exploring how a wonderful man Dan is.
To be honest, he is enjoying Dan’s company these days, even though he has to go extra sometimes, at least he is beginning to love the bond. But then, how will he be able to reveal the fact to Dan that he is not his real Kelvin? How will he spill that out when he is also beginning to enjoy the situation? He has never seen this part of the agreement coming and he is sure this will be another battle.
He was still wallowing in his thought when Dan tapped him. “Let’s go make dinner Kelvin.” He said as he stood up. Kelvin squeezed his face. “Oh Dan, I already told you that I don’t like cooking anymore. I would prefer we eat out.” He complained with a clingy voice. Dan smiled at him. “You know we can’t be eating out all our lives right? We need to do the cooking sometimes at home, especially now that we will be moving in together. I can’t wait to eat you first while we are cooking before I eat the food.” Dan teased.
Kelvin pushed him with his legs. “You are always horny Dan. This isn’t the Daniel I knew before. You are already corrupt.” Kelvin said looking at him. “And who told you I am moving in with you?” He asked giving him a weird look.
Daniel laughed and moved closer to him. “Well I am sure you day.” He said with a smile. “But on a serious note Kelvin. You have changed a lot since when you returned from abroad. You are more open now and you tend to do things you were not used to and ignore things you were used to. I remembered how you used to like cooking before but not anymore.” Dan said with a serious face.
Kelvin kept quiet for a while trying to process a response. He doesn’t want to give Daniel any chance of suspecting. He smiled a little and leaned on his chest. “That is called evolving my dear. Don’t you hear of that?” Kelvin asked sarcastically. Dan was about talking when he quickly interrupted him. He wants to take Dan’s mind off the topic. “But honestly Dan, I am afraid about what people will say once they find out about us. We are brothers Dan. What will people call this?” Kelvin asked while leaning on Dan’s chest.
Dan sighed slowly as he holds Kelvin’s face. “Let them call it what they want Kelvin. This whole thing is about us, this feeling is out feeling. We are both matured and don’t need anyone’s concept to be happy. Our happiness shouldn’t be anyone’s fear. I don’t want you to think much Kelvin, just give me small time and I will announce about us to every one so you won’t have to fear.” Dan said holding his face.
Kelvin sighed deeply and kept quiet for a while. “I still feel bad sometimes Dan. We are all men. Isn’t this unusual?” Kelvin asked with a worried face. Dan slowly bent his face down as he placed a kiss on Kelvin’s lips. “There is nothing unusual under the sun Kelvin.” He said as he stared into Kelvin’s eyes.
At this point, Kelvin could see the pure definition of love in Dan’s eyes. His curiosity couldn’t let him be and his mind was yarning to find out more to those flaming feelings in his heart. All he wanted at this moment is to explore more with Dan. Even though some part of his heart is still contemplating, he still feels within him that he wants more with Daniel.
He slowly moved closer and kissed Daniel’s ear as he whispered to him. “I am ready Dan.” He said with a smile on his face. Daniel smiled back at him as he slowly pushed him back on the couch and climbed on him. He placed a kiss on his lips and they continued kissing passionately.
Daniel slowly picked Kelvin to the bedroom and throws him on the bed. He was about removing his shirt when Kelvin quickly holds his hands and stared at him for a while. “Let me do that.” He said as he slowly removed Daniel’s shirt. Daniel also removed Kelvin’s shirt as he started kissing him all over his body. The romance was intense. Daniel noticed that this is the first time for Kelvin so he wanted making it memorable for him. He slowly whispered to his ears. “You can have me Kelvin” He asked looking at Kelvin.
Kelvin was surprised because he thinks Daniel is a dominating man. He opened his eyes widely. “Wouldn’t that make you feel less of a man?” Kelvin asked. Daniel smiled as he kissed his cheeks. “You are willing to go this far for me, I will also do my best to make you happy I will go extra for this relationship, it will be ALL FOR LOVE. I don’t mind versing for you shorty.” He said with a smile.
Kelvin was totally awed as he slowly turned Daniel over and climbed on him. Daniel gasped a bit. “Are you sure you are ready Kelvin? Once you do that, you are mine for life.” He asked looking at him. Kelvin nodded his head with a smile as he started riding on Daniel…

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