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“Do you think the punishment in hell is severe for cheaters and betrayers? Do you think we will be burned in hell for saving ourselves and loved ones? What do you think our judgment will be like on the judgment day?” Ahmad asked the young woman who was sitting opposite him in a spacious room. The place looks so calm and quiet, just a typical of a therapy room.
The woman smiled at him for a while before she speaks. “I have not been to heaven or hell Ahmad. I don’t know the kind of judgments they passed over there. But one thing I am sure of is that Karma follows us up to judgment ground. I am sure that on that day, we will definitely reap what we sowed here on earth, and I know we will reap them in folds.” She said staring at him.
He sighed again as he adjusted himself. “Can you take away this feeling from my heart? I feel suffocated, I can’t even breath properly. I feel trapped within my own self; I can’t run away no matter how I try.” He said with tears dropping on his face. “These feelings are killing me slowly.” He added staring blankly into the air.
The young woman stared at Ahmad for a while and smiled. “What is the cause of those feelings my dear, we need to address the source.” She said looking at him with a smile. Ahmad still has his eyes fixed to the blank space. He giggled a bit and adjusted himself. He took a deep breath before he talked again.
“Is this how karma fires back at us? Is this how people feel when they reap what they sowed? Is this how it feels to be haunted by the past? I don’t want to even think of the source of this feeling, the more I think about it, and the more I get haunted.” Ahmad said as tears continued rushing on his face. “What should I do? What should I do to stop this punishment?” He asked looking pitiful.
She sighed deeply while looking at him. He looks stressed and tired, tired of being eaten up by his acts. At this point, she is sure he isn’t ready to let out the things he did and so far he wouldn’t admit them, there is no way she could help him. she sighed as she gave him little advise on how to open up to himself and also prescribed antianxiety drugs to him hoping they will help calm his situation…
Amir was lying on his bed trying to catch some afternoon nap when his phone keeps on ringing continuously, he decided ignoring it at first but he has to jump off and answer it because it is interrupting his wonderful sleep. He hissed loudly as he saw the name boldly written on the screen. It is Steve of course. He hissed again as he answered the call and placed the phone to his ear.
“Do you realize that you stopped me from sleeping Steve?” Amir asked angrily while on the call. Steve chuckled from the other side. “Do you realize you stopped me from working?” He replied with a question also. Amir sighed deeply as he leaned on the bed. He was about talking when Steve interrupted him. “Get ready, I am on my way to your place.” He said as he quickly cuts the call.
Amir was trying to give him an excuse but Steve has hanged up already. He is certain that Steve will be here soon and that wouldn’t be good if he meets his friends. He doesn’t want Steve to be familiar with them actually so he has to jump into the bathroom and quickly had a shower. After a short while, Amir got ready in a nice outfit. He walked out of his room to the premises of the house because he wouldn’t want Steve to have a chance of going inside.
Unfortunately, immediately when Steve arrived, Sarah also returned with Ahmad from the therapy session. Steve was standing by his car with Amir beside him when Sarah walked out of her car holding Ahmad’s hands. They passed by them and greeted them before moving into the house. Steve stared at Sarah for a while and also Ahmad.
Sarah’s face looks familiar to him and he wonders why Ahmad is looking so weak. He turned and asked Amir who was looking weird. “Oh, those are my flat mates; the guy is running a fever so she is helping him out.” He replied briefly. “Let’s head out for lunch, I am hungry already.” Amir added as he opened the car and entered.
Steve took Amir to one of the best restaurants around Lagos. To be honest, Amir confesses to himself that he has fun every time he is with Steve. The guy is honestly good and romantic, being with him makes him forgets about his problems for a while. Even though he is afraid that Steve will one day finds out his relationship with his cousin Jane, he just wish to enjoy the moment while it last before everything turns out bad for him.
“So when will your business end here in Lagos? Do you have plans for staying longer?” Steve asked looking at Amir as they were eating. Amir looked dumped for a while because he didn’t know what Steve was talking about. He adjusted himself a little. “What business?” Amir asked curiously.
Steve chuckled as he drops his spoon. “Are you being serious? You told me when we met that you were in Lagos for some sort of business or have you forgotten already?” He asked looking at him. Amir gulped as he quickly picked a glass of water and drink a bit. That was when he remembered that he lied to Steve. “Oh, I have already closed that deal; I will just hang around for a while.” He stammered.
Steve smiled a bit. “Then I will still have chance to spend more time with you.” He said looking at Amir. Amir sighed deeply as he dropped his spoon and stared at Steve for a while; he wanted turning him down but deep inside him something is stopping him. He giggled as he picked up his spoon and continued eating.
“So is that a yes?” Steve asked staring at Amir. Amir smiled without saying anything. He only nodded his head with a revealing smile. “Guess I am allowed to go further.” Steve added as he also smiled.
Amir couldn’t help but to continue smiling also, he doesn’t know how these changes are gradually happening to him with Steve’s sudden closeness. He is technically not a relationship man, but with Steve, everything seems different. The guy is irresistible charming. No matter how he tried to push him away, he just stick by his side and continued being romantic and that lured Amir’s heart the most.
Even though they are in the middle of scandal and crises, he thinks he will have to open up his heart for Steve; at least he will have a diversion from the stress of the sandal…
It’s a beautiful Monday morning; Kelvin was all set for work as he stood by the mirror looking at his face. He took a deep breath for a while and started talking to himself. “Living your life is seriously not easy Kelvin. Your life is really demanding, a lot of things are complicated, I just wish I am able to accomplish what I should accomplish.” He said to himself staring into the mirror.
He sighed deeply as he picked up his suite case containing his laptop; that was when he remembered about Jane’s storage mail. He chuckled a little. “Just hang on Jane, I will make sure I opened that mail and find out who did that to you.” He said as he picked his car keys. He was about walking out when Mr. Emmanuel and Susan entered the room.
“Seems like you are all set for work, hope I am not interrupting?” Mr. Emmanuel asked looking at Kelvin. He nodded his head with a smile. “I am fine sir; you are not interrupting of course.” He said with a smile on his face. Mr. Emmanuel chuckled a little. “I thought as much. So what is going on with our quest of getting the secret files of the company?” He asked staring at Kelvin.
Kelvin smiled back and moved closer. “Trust me, I will get you a positive result very soon. I am also eager to finish this job and storm out of Kelvin’s life.” He said with a smile. Sarah also smiled. “We hope you do Isaac, and also remember that the surgery is removable, you can always get back to your old self when you are ready.” She said.
They were still talking when Kelvin’s phone started ringing, it was Daniel. He answered it and talked for a while before he hanged up. “It seems Daniel couldn’t get enough of you.” Mr. Emmanuel said while Kelvin smiled. “Then you must use this opportunity and strike at him, grab what you can and storm out of here. Remember all these are for love Isaac. It is all for love.” He said looking at the boy. Kelvin sighed as he nodded his head and walked out.
He walked majestically to the parking lot where Daniel was waiting already. “Good morning Daniel.” Kelvin greeted briefly. “Good morning shorty, trust you had a wonderful night rest?” He asked with a smile. Kelvin nodded his head with a smile also. “Yeah I do, trust yours was alright also?” He asked Daniel as he also nodded.
“Here, I brought you coffee. I know you haven’t had breakfast yet, so I made the secretary to prepare some food for you at the office.” Daniel said as he drove out the car out of the compound. Kelvin was surprised. “Wait, did you just drive here this early morning to give me a cup of coffee? That is not necessary Dan; I can take care of myself.” Dan chuckled as he was concentrating on the road.  “Doesn’t it occur to you that I really want to take care of you?” He asked sarcastically.
Kelvin couldn’t reply a word, he is already aware of where Dan is going but he is actually not ready for that. How can he fall in love with his brother? He is not even gay. All these are complicating him. But then, that is the easiest way he can earn Dan’s trust and execute the plans of Mr. Emmanuel.
They arrived at the office and Dan dragged Kelvin to his office. “Here, eat first before you start working off yourself.” He said as he presented the food to Kelvin. They sat together and had the take outs of chips and eggs. Daniel helped Kelvin cleaned his mouth after eating. Kelvin wasn’t surprised because he already knows Daniel’s plan so he started succumbing slowly.
It is just so disheartening that he will have to cheat on this gentle soul just to accomplish his own goal. Anyway, that is not cheating compared to what his friends did to him; that is the rule of survival. He will have to do what he has to do to be able to avenge Jane’s death. Even though there are lots of consequences and catastrophes attached to his plans, he will just have to give it a trial…
Kelvin walked back to his office and started acting to work as usual. To be very honest, he doesn’t even know what he does in that office. He just made sure he gave out little suggestions to people when they need them. But he can’t figure out why Daniel never complained. May be he is so blind that he couldn’t didn’t realize that he does nothing but getting paid for free.
He was in his office watching a movie on his laptop when Sarah walked in. “Oh my goodness, therapists are so demanding. Imaging forcing someone to talk to you when they are not willing to, that is so intruding.” Sarah complained as she took a seat opposite Kelvin. He was lost for a while so he quickly closed the laptop.
“Wait, who is seeing a therapist by the way? Are you sick or something?” He asked looking at her. She sighed deeply. “Oh come on Kelvin, I told you about Ahmad’s situation. He is just getting worst by every day. I am seriously exhausted.” She said looking obviously tired.
Kelvin smiled. “You always care about these your friends and do a lot for them; I think I need to meet these guys.” He said staring at her. She giggled a bit. “Well, I guess it’s because we came a long way together and we always reach out to each other. Don’t worry, I will take you visit them one of these days.” She said as she quickly stood up.
“I need to be back at my office before Dan came in here. Wait what is the deal between you guys?” She asked with a suspicious look. Kelvin only smiled without saying a word. “You will definitely tell me about that later.” She said as she walked out. Kelvin smiled as he watched Sarah walked out of his office. “It is time to reunite; old friends.” He said to himself with a wicked smile as he stood up and head to Dan’s office.
“Dan, Dan.” Kelvin called as he slowly pushed the door to Dan’s office but he couldn’t find him there. He brought out his phone and placed a call on him but unfortunately, Dan has Left his phone in the office. Kelvin was curious about where Daniel went leaving his properties in the office including his personal laptop. He took a peep at it and to his surprise; the Laptop was on without a password.
He quickly deepen his hands in his pocket and brought out a small flash drive as he inserted it in the laptop and copied some files, he was about closing the file when Dan walked in. it was very close and he is sure Dan was giving him a suspicious look so he had to act up immediately.
Dan walked to him with a surprised face. “What are you doing here Kelvin?” He asked curiously. Kelvin was out of words because he could get caught if he didn’t distract Dan’s attention. He kept quiet for a while as he slowly walked over to him and stood in his front. At this situation, the only way out for him is to act to avoid getting caught.
Kelvin slowly wrapped his hands around Daniel’s neck and faced him. “I can’t hold it anymore Dan.” He said as he placed a kiss on Daniel’s lips. Daniel was surprised as he kept his eyes wide opened. He slowly holds back Kelvin for a moment and stared at him. “What has come over you Kelvin?” He asked surprisingly.
Kelvin smiled a little. “Stop acting as if you haven’t been waiting for this Dan.” He said with a seductive look. Daniel giggled a bit. “As long as I have been hoping for this moment, I am just surprised Kelvin. Are you sure about his? Because once we kissed, you will be mine till the end of time.” Daniel said staring at him.
Kelvin smiled back at him for a while. “I am already yours since the beginning of time Daniel.” He said as he moved closer and kissed Daniel. They kissed passionately for a while with their eyes closed. Kelvin was still startled, at least he has succeeded to get the company’s details that Mr. Emmanuel requested for and he has successfully distracted Daniel.
They were still kissing so passionately when it occurred to Kelvin the mess he engaged himself into. How would he continue this battle he started? Does that mean he is in a relationship with Daniel already? He was still thinking when Daniel slowly released his lips from his. “I love you kelvin.” Daniel said with a smile.
Kelvin who was already looking confused smiled back at him. “I love you too Dan.” He said with a smile…

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