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Have you ever been so unsure of a certain feeling? Have you ever wondered what some certain feelings mean to you? Have you ever been determined to hold on to some feelings even if you don’t know how to describe them? It’s just like something you are not sure of but you are willing to do more just to hold on to them. Well, I guess I am at that stage right now.
I don’t know how to explain my situation with Daniel right now. I don’t know how to describe what I feel for him within my heart. I live my whole life as a straight man; this situation with Daniel is getting me confused and making me question my own sexuality. I don’t know if it’s the sympathy I have for him or the urge to take revenge that is driving me this far with him. All I know is that I am willing to do more just to keep my relationship with Daniel.
Kelvin slowly opened his eyes as the rays of sunlight piercing through the window shined on his face. He groaned slowly as he faced Daniel who was still sleeping peacefully beside him. He totally has this sympathy for the guy knowing what Mr. Emmanuel is planning for him. He wished he could tell him everything but how could he start telling him that he isn’t the real Kelvin? How would he explain to him that he has been deceiving him all these while?
He slowly crawled down from the large spacious bed as he walked to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. This is technically new to him. He is already used to ordering take outs and warming them, he has never prepared a meal by himself. He always has his girls or his friends do it for him.
He brought out his phone and watched a short video on how to fry eggs on YouTube before he started frying them. Well, he tried and fried some but almost all are burnt. He also boiled some water for tea and arranged everything on the dining table. He was still standing by the table trying to fix things when Dan walked out of the room and hugged him tightly from behind. “Good morning shorty.” Dan greeted as he leaned on Kelvin’s shoulder.
Kelvin giggled a little as he holds his hands. “Good morning Dan. How was your night?” He asked with a smile. Dan sniffed at Kelvin’s neck a little. “I just had the best night of my life so far.” He said as he kissed his cheeks. “What are you preparing for breakfast?” He asked as he peeped on the table. “Wow, did you just fry these?”  He asked as he takes a look at the eggs.
Kelvin was a bit shy. “Well, I guess we don’t have to eat the egg since it’s burnt.” He said as he took the plate. Daniel smiled as he quickly collected back the plate. “In this hard economy, even burnt foods are precious. So we will have this egg.” He said as he smiled and pulled out a seat. He made a cup of tea for himself and made one for Kelvin.
“But seriously Kelvin, you were really a good cook before you left for the States. What really happened?” Dan asked staring at Kelvin. He slowly sipped his tea as he was looking so tensed and startled. “Well, I haven’t cooked for a very long time because my schedule over there doesn’t spare me free time, besides I can’t cook their dishes over there.” Kelvin replied stammering.
“That must be really exhausting. I mean; having to order food or eat out every time is very demanding.” Dan said as he stares at Kelvin. Kelvin nodded his head with a sad face. Dan smiled. “Don’t worry babe. I will always be here for you; I will always do the cooking if you move in together.” Dan said winking at Kelvin.
Kelvin laughed a bit. “Where did you get this whole idea of moving in together Dan? Isn’t it enough that you have me spend all weekends with you?” Kelvin asked sarcastically. Dan frown his face and folded his hands. “But we will eventually move in since we are a couple now right?” He asked with a clingy face.
Kelvin slowly stood up and picked his phone. “Well, I am not sure about that. But I am sure you will be dropping me off at home right now.” He said as he headed to the bathroom while Dan followed and joined him in the bathroom. “Are you seducing me by not locking the door?” Dan asked as he walked in and moved closer to Kelvin.
He giggled a bit as he slowly removed his shirt. “It is your house any ways, you can always do what you like.” Kelvin said with a smile as he moved to the wall and turn on the shower. Dan moved closer to him and pinned him to the wall. “Can I also do what I like with you since you are mine already?” He whispered to Kelvin’s ear.
Kelvin chuckled a bit. “You already know the answer, why are you asking again?”  He asked staring at Dan as he placed a kiss on his lips. They started kissing aggressively as the shower runs upon them. The romance session was intense and took a while before they got ready and Dan drop Kelvin off at home.
“I will pick you up for work tomorrow by 7am.” Dan said as Kelvin was about entering house. He slowly turned and took a deep breath. “Oh please Dan, I have a car and I can drive perfectly now, so you don’t have to always pick me up.” Kelvin replied looking at him. Dan smiled at him. “I know, but it is my duty as your husband to always take care of you.” He said with a smirk on his face.
Kelvin nodded his head. “You are always full of yourself Dan. Leave now before my dad suspects something.” He said pointing at him. Dan smiled again as he started the car. “I will gladly tell him about us.” He said with a smile as he zoomed off. Kelvin smiled as he stood and stared at Dan till he disappeared. He just found himself smiling at the situation. It’s still unbelievable that he is slowly enjoying Dan’s company. He is getting to like every bit of this game.
He quickly turned to walk into the house but he met Mr. Emmanuel at the entrance. He stood by the door with his hands folded and a weird look on his face. “It seems you guys are getting pretty well along. You should be able to execute our plan by now.” Mr. Emmanuel said staring at Kelvin. He was startled with the kind of face Mr. Emmanuel was keeping.
He took a deep breath and stared at the man. “Well, I am still trying to build up the trust and the relationship. I guess I still need time before I can get my hands on those files.” He said looking at him. Mr. Emmanuel moved closer and grabbed Kelvin’s neck. “How much more time do you need Kelvin? I don’t have that much time to waste because things are getting out of control.” He yelled looking so desperate.
Kelvin took a deep breath again. “Don’t you think we should just wait for the inheritance instead as we promised. This wasn’t part of our initial plan.” He said with a serious face. Mr. Emmanuel smiled bitterly as he released Kelvin’s neck and strolled around the door for a while.
“There is no any inheritance Kelvin.” He said looking at him. Kelvin was also looking confused. “What do you mean by that?” He asked curiously. Mr. Emmanuel giggled a bit. “You see, I just stumbled on a great secret which my father has been hiding. This whole wealth belongs to Kelvin, nothing belongs to grandpa. Kelvin is not a member of our family. And if I am not mistaken, grandpa is at the verge of announcing that and handing over everything to that boy.” Mr. Emmanuel said looking very worried.
He sighed deeply again and closed his eyes for a while and opened them shortly. “That is why we need to act quickly. We need to strike first and own the highest share of the company. Only through then we won’t be left as losers Kelvin and that will only be achieved when you helped us out.” Mr. Emmanuel said looking so desperate.
Kelvin was totally confused at this point as he slowly walked back to his room. He didn’t know what to do at this point. He is even more shocked hearing that Daniel isn’t a member of the family. That is probably the reason why he is so determined in dating him. He sighed deeply as he lies back on the bed. He is sure that he doesn’t want to be used in getting Daniel harmed but how can he save him when he himself is poisoning Dan’s heart with lies. The only way out for him at this moment is to reveal his identity to Dan…
Austin was resting in his room when his phone beeped. He has been afraid of checking new messages from his phone since when the scandal started. It took him a while before he opened the message. “Good morning Austin, it has been a week already, you are taking a while.” The message reads. Austin sighed deeply as he sits on the bed with his head locked on his legs. He has no choice than to give Claire what she demanded. He knows that is another peak of betrayal but he has to save himself this time around.
He slowly walked out of the room and immediately met Sarah all dressed with a fruit basket. “Oh, you home Austin? Do you mind going with me to see Ahmad?” She asked looking at him. He was startled by seeing her. “I wish I could but I am a bit unwell. I think I will have to see him tomorrow. Just send my regards to him please.” Austin said stammering. Sarah nodded her head as she slowly walked out of the room.
Austin was wandering around the living room when Amir slowly walked out of his room also; he seems in a hurry when he got out. “Are you heading somewhere?” Austin asked staring at him. Amir sighed a bit. “Yes Austin, I have to check this work at the company, I really have to go now.” He said as he bashed out.
He turned and faced Austin immediately and Austin got startled again. “I have some of my investigators to dig about Claire for us. I am sure they will try their best. I will think of what we can do with her when I am less busy.” Amir said to Austin who was shocked already. He was trying to talk but Amir zoomed out waving at him.
Austin hits his head on the wall immediately. This is definitely going to be a disaster. He quickly heads to Amir’s room because it seems Amir was in a much hurry and forgets to lock the door. He opened it luckily and the system was on his bed. He quickly inserted a flash and copied all the flies on the system, he isn’t sure which Claire needed but he is sure it will be among. He walked out immediately and called Claire to meet up. He quickly picked his car keys and drove down to a nearby restaurant. He waited for her for a few minutes before she arrived.
She sat down immediately with her face all smileys. “Good job Austin, I thought you are bailing me on this.” She said smiling as she stretched her hands to collect the flash which was with Austin. He was about giving her when he held it back again. “Let me have all the videos first.” He said with a straight face. Claire smiled and sighed. “I thought as much.” She said as she opened her bag and handed a flash to him.
He collected it and stared at it for a while. “Well, give me mine.” Claire said stretching her hands. Austin smiled as he nodded his head. “Your phone also, I need to be sure you don’t have it saved there.” He said as he stretched his hands for the phone. She smiled and gave him the phone as he went through it. He took a while before he smiled and handed the phone back to her.
It took him a while before he took a deep breath and handed the flash to Claire. “Look Claire, I don’t care what you do with Amir’s company and I don’t care if you level up your revenge game. All I want is for you to count me out of your games. I have gone this far to betray my friends just to help you, so I urge you to spare me this time.” Austin said staring at her.
Claire smiled before she slowly picked up her bag and stood. “I already told you that life is like a race to survival dear, it doesn’t matter what route you take just to make it to the end line, all that matters is you making it to the end line.” She said with a smile. “You already took your route to save yourself. I will also take mine; I won’t hesitate to use you again if the need arises.”  She added as she turned and walked away.  
Austin stared at Claire as she left walking majestically. He has always known she is a bitch and she would do anything just to achieve her aim. He smiled as he brought out another flash from his pocket. “I would never be silly to trust you again Claire.” He said with a revealing smile. He stood up to walk away also when he turned and met Sarah standing behind him. She looked so surprised and disappointed.
He was about talking when Sarah slapped him. “How dare you Austin? How dare you pair up with the person that is trying to ruin our lives? Do you even think about Ahmad’s situation? The poor boy is lying lifeless and senseless in the hospital. But here you are, sticking your restless dick around anything you find under skirts.” Sarah shouted staring at him.
Austin quickly holds her hands. “Will you just calm down and listen to me Sarah?” he asked as he dragged her to a seat opposite him. He sighed deeply as he narrates everything to her right from the day he picked Claire from the bar. “I never knew Claire was using me Sarah, I thought she was enjoying the moment all those while. Little did I know she was plotting evil?” Austin said looking so worried.
Sarah sighed deeply. “But how could you Austin? How could you do that? That was betraying the gang. And how are you sure that Claire won’t get back at you when she noticed that the files are fake?” She asked looking at him. Austin scratched his head for a while. “I worked on them and manipulated all the documents. I am sure it will take her a while before she realizes that. To be honest, she might get arrested when she presents those files.” He said with a worried face.
Sarah sighed deeply as she dropped her bag on the table. She closed her eyes for a while as she leaned back on the seat. “Haven’t you gone to see Ahmad? Why are you here by the way?” He asked looking at her. She slowly opened her eyes and faced him. “I was on my way to. I suddenly remembered Ahmad’s birthday today. I was about texting you guys and also to get a cake from this place. Can we please celebrate him? I am afraid this might be his last birthday.” Sarah said with tears on her face.
Austin sighed deeply as he slowly stood up and walked over to Sarah. He hugged her tightly. “It will be over soon Sarah, I am sure all these will come to past.” He said hugging her. He comforted her for a while before they went into the store to get flowers and a cake. Sarah texted Amir and they head to the psychiatric hospital…
Amir was lying in between Steve’s legs when he received Sarah’s text message. He quickly jumped off and took his shirt. “Come on Amir, are you leaving already? You just got here a while ago. You also promised to spend the night.” Steve lamented with a worried faces as he watched Amir got dressed. “I am sorry Steve; it’s my friend’s birthday, the one I told you about with the depression case, I can’t miss it right now.” Amir said as he wears his shoes.
Steve was about speaking when Amir interrupted him. “I promise you a weekend feast babe, but I can’t do this right now.” He said as he quickly picked his phone and walked out. Steve called him back immediately. “You would allow me drop you off at least right? Have you forgotten you haven’t driven here?” He asked as he also puts on his shirt and they both walk to the car.
Steve drove Amir down to a nearby store to get some gift items first, they walked in the store together and coincidentally, they ran into Claire. Amir was totally freaked out to see her in person again. She stood in front of them and stared at both of them for a while. Amir could have strangled her to death if not for Steve. He quickly pulled Steve’s hands as they walked away.
Claire was shocked to see Amir with Jane’s brother. Of course she knows Steve. She knows him to be Jane’s brother and also an officer. “What could he be possibly doing with Amir? She knows Amir is a slut and will always want to have men around him.  “Could they possibly be dating? Does Steve know Amir’s relationship with Jane?” Claire asked herself looking confused.
She could remember vividly that Steve wasn’t in the country when everything happened and she is sure that he doesn’t know Amir as Jane’s friend. Claire smiled as a wicked idea strikes her head. “I think it’s high time I introduce them properly to each other.” She said to herself as she walked away also…

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