17. messages

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around 2021

this chapter is 100% dedicated to happyathello13

Lapinoush 💗
baby I need to ask you a question

Kibs 💗
Taylor, it's literally 2 am
why are you awake?

Kibs 💗
wait that means it's 3 am in new york. WHY ARE YOU AWAKE? I thought you vowed to fix your sleep schedule or something

Lapinoush 💗
Well, we're all in the studio right now right and we were recording a song but then dylan got wine and we may or may not all be drunk and austin asked me a question and now i need to know your answer to that same question

Lapinoush 💗
also why are YOU awake at 2 am? shouldn't you be working????

Kibs 💗
Long shoot, I just got to the hotel /:

Lapinoush 💗
Wait wait wait baby can we facetime

Kibs 💗
are u still with everyone else??

Lapinoush 💗
pft yeah but it's important that we ALL know the answer!!!!!

Kibs 💗
Taylor I'm in the bathroom 😭

Kibs 💗
What's your question, baby?

Lapinoush 💗

Kibs 💗

Lapinoush 💗
Okay it's not weird okay?

Kibs 💗
i feel like it's going to be very weird

Lapinoush 💗
maybe a little?

Kibs 💗
just spit it out!

Lapinoush 💗
no wait u have to promise not to hate me first

Kibs 💗
Taylor we're literally married. I don't think I'm going to hate you over a stupid and weird question. I love you no matter what, you know that

Lapinoush 💗
okay okokokok

Lapinoush 💗
[typing for like 5 whole minutes]

Lapinoush 💗
Babe woukd u still love me if i turned into a worm?

Kibs 💗
what 😭

Lapinoush 💗

Lapinoush 💗

Lapinoush 💗

Lapinoush 💗

Lapinoush 💗

Kibs 💗
oh my god

Kibs 💗
Is that your question?

Lapinoush 💗

Kibs 💗
are you serious?

Lapinoush 💗
dead serious

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