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wow, is it Sunday already? hmmm
yall know i had to write this !!

Enjoy<3 it's mostly fluffy

Anyway, Mica is an idiot and accidentally leaked these but we still love him

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Anyway, Mica is an idiot and accidentally leaked these but we still love him


She looked up from her spot on the couch when the door to the little bathroom in the dressing room opened and Taylor walked out dressed in a blue robe. Her hair was straightened and was resting neatly down her back. Her makeup was impeccable. Kaia could see the tights she had on but beyond that, she had absolutely no idea what to expect in terms of outfits. And it was eating her alive.

"Are you wearing it under there?" She asked as Taylor adjusted the string, making sure her robe was in place.

"Nope!" She replied with a little smile, plopping down next to Kaia and slipping an arm around her waist.

When the actress turned to face her, she could see a little bit of a shiny strap on her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at her wife, trying to get a better glance at the outfit.

"Liar," she said simply and Taylor only tightened the robe's belt. "Come on! At least a hint?"

"Not a chance!" Taylor shook her head. "I wanna see your reaction from the crowd."

"How will you know where I'm going to be sitting?" Kaia countered.

"I made sure during soundcheck that I can pinpoint your exact seat from any given spot on stage," The blonde told her with a proud smile.

"How did you do that?" Kaia scoffed, getting up only to sit back down in Taylor's lap, hands resting on her shoulders. She could feel the little bumpy strap of whatever costume she was wearing under the robe's silky material and it made her all the more excited to see what it was exactly.

"I had Greg sit in your seat during the whole set and hold up a light-up bracelet. Looking in your direction is part of my routine," Taylor told her with a beam, gently caressing Kaia's thighs.

Kaia took her hands instead and laced their fingers together. She kissed Taylor's knuckles and took a few seconds to admire her colourful nails, letting out a small chuckle. "You'll still recognise me, even in my disguise?"

"Yeah," she laughed, looking around the room for the cap Kaia was planning on wearing and placing it backwards over her head. "It's a perfect disguise. No one's going to recognise you!" She teased her.

Kaia rolled her eyes, flipping the cap the right way. "Haven't you heard? My disguise's been updated. I'm getting a wig and a moustache too."

"What? Since when?" Taylor chuckled as Kaia climbed off her and went to dig through her bag. She pulled out a blond wig with a bowl cut and a matching moustache. The stache even came with a soul patch. Taylor burst out laughing just looking at the disguise in Kaia's hands. She couldn't imagine what her wife would look like actually wearing them.

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