Christmas With the Swifts

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Well, hello there friends! Bet you weren't expecting this on this lovely Friday hehe

I was going to post on Sunday actually but 1- I'm excited and 2- Lex is expecting this chapter on  Sunday so i'm bamboozling her

Anyway! Absolute, pure, unadulterated 6k words of fluff!

love u guys<3


By the time Kaia had returned from her morning run, the sun had risen all the way and the twins were both awake and standing on the same chair near the counter, watching their grandmother Andrea crack some eggs into a bowl. She was standing behind them, her arms caging them on each side to avoid any injuries but Kaia knew that if an accident were to happen it would a hundred percent be Piper pushing River off and not the fact that standing on a chair was so dangerous.

With a wide smile on her face, she leaned over Andrea's arms and pressed a kiss on each of her children's cheeks.

"Morning," she greeted the three, squeezing Andrea's arm affectionately as she walked past her to refill her bottle of water.

"Hey, hon," her mother in law responded with a warm smile. "River woke up demanding a cheese omelette so, here we are. Actually, his exact words were omelette au fromage. I had to translate that on google," she chuckled.

Kaia raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You don't like eggs," she pointed at her son but instead of responding, he made grabby hands at her so she carried the three-year-old, propping him up on her waist. Man, he was getting heavier!

"See, I thought so too. I think there's still some pieces of egg growing mould under the cabinets from that Thanksgiving morning fiasco," Andrea laughed, moving to grab a frying pan. "But he just kept saying omelette even when I offered to make pancakes."

"Well then, you're eating it all, nugget. Nana's not making you anything else and neither am I!"

"Nana would do anything for the little nugget actually," Andrea responded, taking the spatula away from between Piper's hands as she started banging it against the counter really loudly.

"You spoil them too much," Kaia told her though she was still smiling widely.

"Well, who else am I supposed to spoil? My other grandkids?"

Kaia laughed at Andrea's sarcastic response, her smile widening as she put River back down on the chair only for Piper to cling to her.

"Where's your mummy? Still sleeping, hm?"

"Well, it's only past eight. These two have only just woken up," Andrea told her.

"Right," Kaia chuckled, brushing her fingers through Piper's soft curls. "Mama needs to go shower."

"Go ahead. Don't worry, I got them," Andrea reassured her, kissing the top of Piper's head affectionately before returning to her pan.

"Thanks for getting up with them, by the way. You didn't have to."

"I was already up anyway, and you know I live for moments like these especially since I don't get to see them everyday anymore," Andrea replied.

"Well, I appreciate it. I'll be back in a second," she told her before going upstairs to shower.

In their room, Taylor was still in bed, her arm sprawled over the empty side where Kaia had been sleeping. She was still snoring softly, her hair coming out of her braid in all different directions. Kaia smiled widely, leaving a kiss on Taylor's cheek, hoping to wake her up but the blonde's face only twitched slightly and she continued to snore peacefully. Kaia figured she wouldn't bother her any more than she already had since Taylor had been working pretty hard right before the holidays on some new projects. She deserved the sleep.

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