Chapter 2 - Prison Life

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[February 3rd 2045]

Y/N: Let me out, C'mon!

Guard: Nope.

Rafa: *angry panda noises*

Guard: Uh, Huh. No matter how cute you may be, no amount of cuteness will save you.

Y/N: Fuck you!

Y/N shouted as he slid back down to the ground of his cell.

Guard: Hey don't get mad at me, I'm not the one who managed to break into UNION Island, its practically the most secure place on the planet

Y/N: Well I was being chased by some crazy lady

Guard: Oh is that it? Well I'll let you I guess

Y/N: Really ⚆_⚆

Guard: Nope

Y/N: ಠ-ಠ

Guard: Heh, sleep tight it gonna be awhile before your meeting with the council

Y/N: I miss home, >︿<

After sulking some more Y/N had finally managed to get to sleep, with Rafa sliding between his arms.

[February 4th 2045]

The sun was out in wonderful radiance, the birds were chirping, the pandas were drooling. Y/N was having a freaky dream, he woke up in a crater, was chased by a snow witch and fell through a portal. That was till his cell doors were violently shaken, bringing his dream back to reality.

Guard: Get up! There are some clean clothes to your right, change and we'll get going, and don't think about trying anything  *gesturing towards his sci-fi looking rifle*

Guard: Get up! There are some clean clothes to your right, change and we'll get going, and don't think about trying anything  *gesturing towards his sci-fi looking rifle*

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Y/N: I don't know about you, but prison green looks great on me *does some immaculate poses*

Guard: If your done gawking at yourself, place both your hands th-

Y/N: Yeah, yeah I got it boss, I've done this before.

The slot in the cell had opened and Y/N placed his arms through, the guard had prepared standard laser cuffs that disable almost all energy and powers, such as quirks, cursed energy, ki, semblances and much more.

After they were clamped on, the guard also pull out some miniature cuffs, for Rafa.

Y/N: Really?

Guard: Hey, the world is a crazy place; human eating giants, flying monsters and all that

The cell was finally opened and the guard had pointed his rifle into the direction of a neon orange door which disappeared after a few he pressed a code into a keypad. There were two more people guarding the door and they nodded to one another as they all surrounded you and  began your walk to the "council"

The Pinnacle of Union - Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now