Chapter 10 - Y/N's Lucky Break

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[March 1st 2045] - Unity Festival Grounds

" Woo! That was fun!" Y/N exclaimed as he hopped off the 'Dance Dance Quantimania' with Ryuko.

The two held each others arms as their recent game had cause them to be slighly disorientated

" Y/N you suck, I was totally beating your ass!" Ryuko giggled as she wrapped herself around Y/N arm pulling him closer to her, "I think I saw some food trucks over there let-"

Before she was finished she would shoved out the why by her two rivals.

" You've had your time Ryuko" Sera whine while pulling Y/N out of Ryuko's grasp

" Argh, I can't believe I agreed to this" Ryuko growled


[February 22nd 2045] - UA Infirmary

" WHAT THE FUCK" Ryuko and Y/N yelled

"Who heard us, we want you to become our boyfriend, we're all fine with it" Seraphine confirmed as she tried to grasp Y/N hand before it was slapped away by Ryuko who gained a frustrated look.

" Hell NO! I literally just asked him on a date, you can't come in and ruin this, not now!" Ryuko growled

Seraphine glared at the the gear-eyed woman, Akali grew a slight smirk.

" Alright then, Y/n who do you want? Some skank delinquent or five famous and rich idols?" Akali questioned.

Y/N looked at Gojo for help, Gojo simply smiled

" Have fun bud!" Gojo thought before disappearing

Y/N then tried to speak up.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't wa-..."

" SHUT UP Y/N" All the women yelled

Y/N: q-q

"Y/N your hurt right now, so we'll come back when your better and you better have of have made your decision" Sera warned before her an Akali exited the room.

" Hmmh, fucking bitch" Ryuko mumbled under breath.

As they left, Ms Briar had entered the infirmary giving Y/N a deadly glare. She then yanked on his earlobe.

" Are you serious!? Your second day and your already getting into fights!" She scolded.

Some moments later...

"So your going to have a meeting with Admin when your discharged, do you understand?!" Yor yelled,

Y/N nodded very swiftly

" Now that I'm done, you two want anything to eat or drink?"

Ryuko and Y/N: -_-


Y/N and Ryuko, sat silently on their hospital beds. Y/N is sipping on a latte while Ryuko is chomping on a bagel, Y/N then broke the silence.

"Man, this latte is good. The foam is so fluffy and the flavor is just perfect." Y/N said smacking his lips

Ryuko responded with a mouthful of bagel," Are you kidding me? This bagel is where it's at. It's warm, it's chewy, it's got cream cheese. What's not to love?"

"Please. A latte is a work of art. It's made with precision and care. A bagel is just a doughnut with a hole in the middle."

Ryuko laughed, "A doughnut with a hole in the middle? Are you serious? A bagel is a culinary masterpiece. It's got history, tradition, and culture. A latte is just fancy bean soup"

The Pinnacle of Union - Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now