Season 2: Chapter 10 - Ninjas are Pretty Overrated

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(Y/N POV) 

"So, what should I expect when we get there?" I asked, trying to hide my nervousness.

Akali smirked mischievously. "Well, get ready for a whole lot of stealth and secrecy. It's a hidden village, you know? Not your everyday tourist destination."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I gathered that much. Are they going to test me or something? Can I expect a bunch of ninjas to jump out from the bushes?"

Akali chuckled, her eyes gleaming. "I mean, they do love their surprises. But don't worry, they won't go all-out on you. They're curious to meet the guy who's captured my heart."

I grinned, relieved. "That's good to hear. I'm not exactly trained in martial arts, you know."

She playfully nudged my arm. "Hey, I fell for you for other reasons, don't worry. They'll see what I see in you."

As we continued our journey, the landscape began to change. The modern cityscape of Ionia, where our plane landed, had given way to lush forests, and the air grew crisper. It was like entering a different world.

"Are we almost there?" I asked, scanning the surroundings for any sign of the village. My arms slightly aching from holding my bag

Akali pointed ahead. "Just a bit further. Do you see that waterfall? The village is hidden right behind it."

My eyes widened. "Wait, behind a waterfall? That's straight out of a movie!"

She chuckled. "Well, we ninjas do know how to make an entrance."

As we approached the waterfall, a hidden passage was revealed. I followed Akali through the misty curtain, feeling a sense of wonder as the hidden village came into view.

The village was a blend of tradition and modernity. Ancient-looking buildings stood alongside high-tech training facilities. Ninjas in sleek outfits moved with swift grace, their movements a mesmerizing dance.

Akali turned to me, excitement radiating from her. "Welcome to my world, Y/N. Get ready to meet my people."

I smiled, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. "I'm honoured to be here, Akali. Lead the way."

As we walked through the bustling streets of the village, a sense of liveliness surrounded us. The air was filled with a symphony of laughter and the playful chatter of children. It was a picturesque scene, with vibrant cherry blossom trees lining the streets and colourful banners adorning the buildings.

Akali glanced around a nostalgic smile on her face. "This place hasn't changed at all"

I looked at her, curious.

She pointed towards a group of children engaged in a friendly game of tag. "See those kids? Back in the day, we used to play the same game, but with much simpler techniques. These little ones are already learning advanced moves."

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